Choices will Destroy (An FBI Romance Thriller Book 14) Page 8
Ethan closed his eyes. “I hate this.”
“We’ll have to be her support. Elizabeth is going to come across strong, but inside, this damaged her. Before that day, she was tough. She didn't care what anyone thought. She was the champion for the weak. That one moment altered everything. She stopped seeing the good in people. She began looking for the bad in everything. She was betrayed, and I can’t blame her.”
“Thank you for being her friend.”
“The pleasure was all mine. It still is.”
They all glanced back at her, and she was lost in the file. Her hair was pulled up on her head, she was chewing on a pen, and she looked distracted.
“This is going to be hard,” Callen said.
They were well aware, but it had to be done.
The game started fifteen years ago, and it was back in play. Only this time, there was so much more at risk.
The cost might be the woman they all loved.
* * * B l a c k h a w k - W h i t e f o x * * *
When the plane landed, she was indeed a different person. It was as if a switch was flipped. Back was the investigator, and she was ready to hit the ground running. As soon as they walked into the airport, she was back on familiar ground.
She’d come home to where it all started.
This was the city that made her, and she wasn’t looking back. From that moment on, the pity party was over, and she had to run this like a director, not a scared child.
It was time.
In the vehicle, she began handing out duties.
“Chris, we have snow coming in, so I need you to get photographs of the body from above. The first thing we’re going to do is compare the last victims from fifteen years ago with the deceased director.”
“Yes, boss,” he said, making notes.
“Merry, you’re going solo on this one, and I do apologize, but I don’t want this blowing out of proportion. The more people touching the evidence, the more difficult it will be. The techs at the Hoover building are going to want in, but you’re driving this bus. I trust you to find me the evidence that I need to run this case.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“What about us?” Callen asked.
“Ethan, you’re going to be in profiler mode. I want you to study the body and give me your opinion. I need to know if this is ‘The Butcher’ or if we have someone yanking my chain. Callen, as for you, you’re my buddy. You’re going to be taking notes, watching my back, and doing your normal thing. When I’m focused, you’re going to have to be my eyes and ears. If this is that nutjob, he’s going to want my attention.”
“Well, this is the way to do it,” Chris stated.
She was well aware.
“Can you handle that, Callen?”
He wanted to point out that with his hand, he was going to be a hindrance, but he didn't. This was all about keeping their woman safe. For that, he’d crawl through Hell on his belly.
“I have your back, angel.”
“That reminds me,” Ethan said, reaching into his own messenger bag. “These are yours.”
He handed Callen back his badge and gun.
He reverently ran his fingers over them. “Sweetheart, I’ve missed you. I am so glad to get my hands all over you again. It’s been too damn long,” he teased, trying to lighten the mood. “I can’t wait to play with you.”
“Hey!” his wife said from beside him as they headed there. “Really, Callen James? Have you lost your mind?”
Blackhawk laughed. “See how he is? I’d stop having sex with him if I were you. You should focus on his older, sexier brother.”
Even Merry snorted. She loved when her bosses got together.
“Never,” Elizabeth said. “I’m not crazy. I like having a spare for my pair.”
Chris was glad to see her smile, even if it wasn’t making it to her eyes. At least she was holding up.
“Callen, you and I are going to interview Livy and Gabe. Hopefully, one of them has something for us. I plan on being in autopsy when Chris does his thing.”
He laughed from the back seat. “Remember the first time we stood over Stephanie O’Malley?” he asked.
“You mean when I gave you my candy bar because you were going to puke?”
“I told you one day that it wouldn’t even faze us, didn't I?”
“You did.”
“Well, today is that day, my friend.”
He knew she was full of shit. It always bothered them. Only, they didn’t let it show. The people around you needed strong leadership.
There was a job to do.
“There’s Gabe’s driveway,” she said, getting them to focus. As they pulled up, two armed agents stood there with their hands on their hips.
“Can we help you?”
“Gabriel is expecting us,” stated Callen. He handed the man his badge, and then gave him everyone’s names. The agent called up to the house, and when he was given the word, they were cleared to pass.
As they pulled in beside Gabe’s vehicle, they noticed the kids were being loaded into a limo. She approached, only to have them rush her.
“Aunt Lyzee!” they screeched as all six kids raced into her arms.
Immediately, she hugged them. Tears filled her eyes. It had been too long since she’d seen them last. They weren’t little kids anymore. Time had changed that too.
“Oh, I’ve missed all of you,” she admitted, kissing each of them noisily on the lips.
“We missed you too,” Amy said. “Mom really missed you too!”
Elizabeth hugged the teen again. Gabe and Livy’s oldest looked just like her mother—all that red hair and freckles.
“I missed her too. You better get moving,” she stated. It wasn’t difficult to see where they were going. The men escorting the kids were Secret Service agents. They were easy to spot, especially since they were eyeing up her team as if they were going to steal a kid right from beneath their noses.
Either Gabe had pulled in a favor, or POTUS was concerned enough that the last director was dead.
She waited in the cold Northeast air until they pulled away. Only then did she head toward the house. Chris and Merry were already gone, as was Ethan.
Callen held out his hand. “Are you ready to do this?”
She had no choice.
This was fifteen years in the making, and the shit was going to hit the fan. Livy was going to need the truth. They’d kept it from her long enough.
At the door, she didn't even have to knock. Gabe pulled it open and yanked her into his arms for a hug.
“Oh, Lyzee, God! I’m so sorry,” he muttered, burying his face in her hair.
Together, they took a minute.
“I hate that we have to do this!”
“It’s okay, Gabe.” She knew why he was apologizing. Only, it wasn’t his fault. She’d made that choice on her own to save a man she called brother.
“We’ll be fine,” he promised.
It was lies.
They were both about to have their asses kicked. Livy, while sweet and a mom, she hated when people lied, and they were carrying the mother of them all.
“Where is she, Gabe?” she asked.
“She’s in the kitchen waiting for you.”
He hugged Callen next. “How’s the arm, son? Are you up for this?”
He shook Gabe’s hand to prove that he had most of his mobility back. “It’s almost as good as new,” he said, lying his ass off.
Gabe didn't buy it, but he let it go. Now wasn’t the time to ride the man. They had much bigger issues to worry about on the horizon. Callen’s arm was minor.
“Come in.”
They all crossed the room, stepping over Beauregard in the middle of the floor. The sheep dog was taking a nap.
He was off duty.
Once in the kitchen, Elizabeth’s heart skipped. There stood her friend. They’d once been so close, but time had dulled their bonds. She only hoped that after the air was cleared, t
hey’d remain friends.
She gasped and spun. “Elizabeth?”
“Hey, did you miss me, darlin’?” she asked.
Livy’s eyes filled as she rushed her ex-partner and friend. She crashed into her, trying to be cautious of the baby bump.
“Oh, God! He’s back. I thought I was free, but he’s here and he’s after me again,” Livy said, hugging her friend tightly. “I don’t know what to do. I’m so scared!”
Here it came.
Elizabeth braced for it.
“It’s not him.”
Livy pulled back to stare at her friend. “What do you mean it’s not him? He’s left his calling card.”
This was going to suck.
Well, it was time to come clean.
“Can I have a cup of tea?” Elizabeth asked, preparing for the oncoming conversation. “Then we can talk. I’ll fill you in on everything you need to know.”
“Absolutely. Oh, by the way, you look like hell.”
Yeah, she was aware.
Pregnancy and this mess popping up were the likely suspects.
Livy kissed her on the cheek and then ran her fingers over the baby bump. “I remember that first night I met Ethan. He always said he wanted a brood. You’ve almost caught up with us.”
She laughed. “I’m done after this one. Callen lucked out and got one more shot at it. He didn't get his girl, but I’m getting off the baby train, and fast!”
“We can keep trying,” he teased.
“Bite your tongue before I remove it,” she ordered. “By removing it, I’m taking off your whole damn head.”
Callen wiggled his eyebrows at her. “I love when you’re all riled up.”
Livy laughed, finally feeling a little better. She didn't know why she was surprised, Elizabeth always cheered her up. Having her there was amazing.
“Yeah, well, Gabe wanted a son. That’s why I have five girls. You men are so silly when it comes to the sex of a child.”
They crossed the room and Livy began getting the tea ready for her friend.
Her hands shook the entire time.
Elizabeth gave her boss the look, and he made sure everyone was outside helping with the body.
“Where are the kids off to now?” she asked, trying to keep the conversation going.
“They’re going to the Whitehouse. How funny is that? When the president found out that the ex-director was killed on our lawn, and by ‘The Butcher’, he was more than happy to have a sleepover.”
That spoke of Gabriel’s power in DC. You didn't just have your six kids sleep at the Whitehouse unless you were important.
“I’m so sick over this,” Livy said. “I can’t believe any of it. I really thought this was over.”
“Yeah, I didn't see this one coming either.”
That was a lie. Elizabeth always worried this would happen, and it appeared her biggest fears were correct.
Gabe sauntered back into the room and took a seat beside Elizabeth. He knew it was time.
“We have to talk, Livy.”
She looked back and forth between them. They both looked freaked out. That scared the hell out of her. Livy had two constants in her life.
Gabe was always her rock.
Elizabeth was never afraid.
You could always count on them.
“About what?”
“He’s not back for you,” he said, starting the dialog between them. He was only hoping that his wife would remain calm. The last thing he needed was for her to freak out. Only, he knew it was likely going to happen.
“What do you mean?”
She was confused.
“Of course he’s back for me. I was the one who got away. Then he killed the one man before going under.”
Oh, here it came.
“He didn't go under, Livy. I killed him. ‘The Butcher’ is dead,” she admitted.
Elizabeth laid it all out for her. “After he attacked you, I used your statement to track him down. Seamus O’Brien was the one you identified, and he’s dead. He wasn’t some innocent man. He was the one who raped you. He’s not back from the dead, so I either killed the wrong man, or we have a copycat.”
She stared at her. “WHAT?”
“I said…”
Livy cut her off before she could say it over again. The last thing she wanted was to hear it again.
“I heard what you said. I just don’t get why you’d do it. You broke the law, and that’s never a good thing, Elizabeth.”
“I did it because…”
Livy dropped the teakettle. It crashed to the counter spraying hot water all over.
“One of you better tell me this is total bullshit. One of you had better have the goddamn sense to tell me this is some sick joke.”
Neither moved.
That said it all.
“You two killed a man? For me?”
“Shhhhhh,” hissed Gabe. “Olivia, we don’t need China hearing this.”
She didn't care.
She was pissed.
“I did it for you,” Elizabeth offered. “After the rape, you went right into the shower. We needed that DNA in order to have a case. You didn't want to testify…”
She was cut off when Livy swept all the delicate teacups into the sink with her arm.
“DON’T!” she said, pointing at her. “Don’t you dare!”
Elizabeth closed her mouth.
Yeah, this was about as volatile as she thought it would be.
“Don’t you dare put this on me! I wasn’t in my right mind, but I wouldn’t have condoned murder then, and I certainly don’t condone it now!”
Elizabeth closed her eyes. “Needless to say, I did what I had to do. You checked out. It was all on me.”
Gabe cringed. That was the worst thing she could say, and he knew it.
Livy’s face said it all.
“Go home! Get out of here. I don’t want to do this with you. I can’t stand here and pretend this is okay. You killed someone! I don’t even know who you are anymore!”
Elizabeth didn't move. She knew that Livy was going to lose it. They weren’t shocked by her reaction. This was EXACTLY why they didn't tell her.
Plus, if Livy thought she was going home, well, she was bat shit insane. That boat had sailed. She was up to her neck in shit and had to be there.
“I said, get out.”
Callen ran his fingers down her arm in support.
“You heard me. Get out of my house!”
Instead of listening, she glanced over at the man who was her brother at one time. “Gabe, do I have to leave?” Elizabeth asked. “His vote counts more. You’re being irrational. For this, level heads need to prevail.”
Livy gasped as if she was slapped. Then, she grabbed the sugar bowl and whipped it at the wall. It embedded itself in the sheetrock.
Gabe pushed the creamer toward her. “You might as well finish off the set. Don’t hit the dog. I like him.”
She glared at him.
How was he not furious about this?
“Are you done having your temper tantrum?” Elizabeth asked. Truth be told, she wasn’t the least bit shocked. Livy was Irish, and she had one hell of a wicked temper.
This wasn’t shocking.
At all.
“I did what I did to spare you what was coming. Your anger doesn’t change anything. I did what I had to do for you, and for Gabe.”
Tears filled Livy’s eyes.
“No! I don’t want to hear this. You know better than that, Elizabeth. What you did was lame, stupid, and dangerous. You made a huge mistake. What you did is inexcusable. We both took an oath to protect and serve, and you didn't do that. I was out of my mind that night. By doing this, listening to me while I was in that state, you could have killed an innocent man!”
She sucked it up.
It wasn’t as if she didn't think about all of this every day of her freaking life.
What Livy said hurt like hell
, but she’d swallowed that pain once before for her friend, and she’d do it again.
She wore the bull’s-eye for all the anger.
Even as Callen moved closer, allowing her to lean back and into his body, she didn't say a single word. When he tried, she squeezed his hand to silence him. This had to level Livy, and she’d let her get it out.
That’s what friends did, even when it was painful.
“Out of all the idiotic things you could do, this was the biggest one. I can’t believe you.”
Livy stormed around the room, pacing in anger.
“You knew all these years and you didn't tell me?” she accused, pointing at her husband.
Gabe nodded. “We did what we had to do. I have no regrets.”
“None? You kept a huge secret from your wife. That didn't bother you?”
He stared at his wife. “If you have to ask me that, then you don’t know me.”
Instead of calming down, she tore into him. “Of course you both had this secret. You two were like Frick and Frack. Neither of you did anything without the other knowing. I can’t believe I didn't see this coming. You two always had your private secrets. I was always the outsider when it came to you two.”
Elizabeth braced for more angry words.
“Olivia,” Gabe began, seeing the look on Elizabeth’s face. It was as if she was being dressed down in front of a room full of her peers.
It wasn’t pleasant.
It wasn’t right.
“Get off her ass. She did what she thought was right. I applauded her choice then, and I still do. Had she not done it, I would have.”
That sat between all of them.
Finally, Livy started to crack. “Are you insane too? She could go to jail if this gets out. You’ll be arrested for being an accessory to the fact. I may lose both of you. All of our kids will lose one of their parents. That’s eleven shattered lives on top of ours.”
Livy lost it.
She started cursing.
At that moment, Ethan and Chris walked in mid-tirade, becoming privy to the free-for-all.
“What you did was illegal! I’m disappointed in you, Elizabeth! You should be ashamed of yourself.”
Ethan went to speak, but before he could utter a single word in his wife’s defense, he was cut off by the ME beside him.