Choices will Destroy (An FBI Romance Thriller Book 14) Read online

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  She helped him find a wife and build a family.

  What he owed her was far more than she owed him, and he knew it. Without the love of the woman beside him, he would have quit many years ago. Starting out, he was a target, and Elizabeth stood in front of him many times.

  She was his champion, and she deserved someone to do the same for her.

  “I will always have your back. You’re my best friend, and always will be. Our families are one, Lyzee. You know that. I love Ethan and Callen like brothers. You three are the people I claim as my own. Whatever you need, you have it.”

  “You’re the best, Newton.”

  “I want you to remember this when Tony is around. If he starts calling me that, I will tell him that you and I have slept in the same bed, and you told the FBI techs in DC that I was your boyfriend.”

  She sniffled, knowing he’d never do it. Their secrets were just that.


  “Thank you for loving me, Chris, when no one could. It meant the world to me. You had faith in me when no one did.”

  He hugged her. “We were both lost, Lyzee. We made it. We’re not giving up now. We’ll clean this up and close it down. We’ll find the killer. We always do.”

  Yeah, but at what cost?

  That was her big fear.

  “We’re going to have to reconstruct those files,” she admitted, knowing that they had no choice but to rework this from the beginning to the end.

  It wasn’t going to be easy, and Elizabeth knew it.

  If she missed something, she had to find it, and fast. If ‘The Butcher’ was still alive, she needed to take him down once and for all.

  Then she needed to face the cold hard truth.

  She was likely going to pay for what she did.

  “I can help with that. I’ll head home and grab my things. I’ll make sure to bring everything we need.”

  “Christopher, thank you.”

  Blue eyes met blue eyes. “You’re my sister, Elizabeth. We may have different mothers, but our souls are connected. We were meant to be this close. It’s all about the ripples in the pond.”

  She smiled at him, feeling a little better. “See? Aren’t you glad we didn't sleep together?”

  Chris laughed. “Do you think I’m an idiot? Of course I’m not glad.”

  She snorted. “I’m telling Cyra.”

  He grinned. “For you, I’d let her kick my ass. Go get ready, Elizabeth. I’ll make sure we’re set on my end.”

  “We need a tech. I want to keep it small. I need…”

  “Someone you can trust?” he asked.


  “Merry will have your back. She adores you. She’s the only one I trust with my sister.”

  Elizabeth only hoped that he was right. If she didn’t, the next time they all got together, it would be visitors’ day at the prison, and she’d be the one behind the glass.

  “I’ll see you at the jet,” she said, heading out. Glancing over her shoulder, she met his gaze. “I’m glad we’re friends, Chris. I’m the lucky one.”

  He grinned.

  When the door closed, he pulled out his cell. In his trunk, he had his back up gear. He didn't need to head home, but he did need to make a call.

  His wife wasn’t going to be happy. They had made plans to head out for a romantic little trip. He’d been promising Cyra some alone time, and this was going to throw one hell of a wrench into their plans.

  As he made the call, she answered on the second ring. “Hello, my sexy ME. Do you miss me?” she asked.

  “Oh, Cyra, sweetheart, I always miss you. How can I not? How are my girls doing today?”

  “We’re both good. Bethe is crawling around, and your mother is here for a visit.”

  He heard the tone in her voice. “Did she bring a friend with her?”

  Cyra laughed. “Yeah, Igor is crawling on the floor. Bethe is in love, and I’m standing on a chair. I think your daughter is twisted like you and your mom. That spider is appalling, and now her favorite thing in the world.”

  He laughed, knowing how much his wife hated Igor in their home. Only, his mother wasn’t exactly easy to control. Morganna was set in her ways.

  “Christopher, it’s not funny.”

  He laughed more.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I’ll talk to her and try to explain AGAIN that Igor is banned.”

  “I’ll forgive you, since we’re going to be getting away for some sexy fun.”

  He got quiet.

  “Christopher, why are you not talking?”


  She sighed. “You can’t tell me we’re not going. I’ve been trapped in this house for months. I need a vacation, Chris. You promised me the bed and breakfast, a spa day, and no kid. You wouldn’t be mean and take it away now, would you?”

  “Sweetheart, I know you were looking forward to it...”

  “Oh, Christopher.”

  Her voice said it all.

  He was in trouble. “Cyra, honey, you know I don’t like canceling on you, but I have a job that requires…”

  He didn't get to finish.

  “Oh, I’m aware, Christopher. You’re married to it. Your job is your mistress, and she owns you. Where are you going now?”

  “DC. I’ve been called up by Gabriel Rothschild. I don’t have a choice.” He did, but he opted to lie. His wife would flip her shit if she knew that he was heading back there to help Elizabeth on a personal case. It would only instigate a fight.

  “Oh. I see.”

  “I can’t tell him no. I’m sorry. When the director of the FBI says jump, you do it.”

  She sighed. Cyra remembered her short tenure at the FBI. Gabriel Rothschild was a tyrant, and you didn't tell him no.

  “Okay, Christopher, but when you get back, we’re going to talk about this. I may need to go back to work. I’m going stir crazy here with Igor, Bethe, and your mother. Something needs to change, and we’re going to find the solution.”

  He got it.

  Cyra was laying down the law.

  “Okay, honey. I promise. As soon as I get back, you and I will have that discussion. I love you.”

  “I love you too, Christopher. You be safe, and make sure you call me tonight.”

  “Yes, honey,” he offered, glad his wife had calmed down. “I’ll see you soon.”

  When he hung up, he started pulling off his scrubs to change. Hurriedly, he got into his dress pants and shirt. There was a stop, which he needed to make, before he boarded that flight. It couldn’t wait.

  In a locked box, at his bank, there was a file. He’d saved one copy of it for this very moment. Chris liked to be prepared, and he was glad he’d had the fortitude to do it.

  Now he wouldn’t have to recreate the entire case.

  They had access to it.

  They also had something else.

  There was the one lone bullet. He’d absconded it from the city ME after Seamus O’Brien’s death.

  It was time to give it back to its owner, and hopefully, it would help answer the questions.

  She needed it more than he did.

  If they were lucky, it would be the key.

  * * * B l a c k h a w k - W h i t e f o x * * *

  Airport Tarmac

  One Hour Later

  The flight was a anxious one.

  Whenever the team was heading out, there was always an underlying tension, but this time, it was even more intense. Ethan and Callen were stressed to the max, Elizabeth was riled up, and the other two passengers were feeling it too.

  No one was enjoying this new assignment.

  Elizabeth sat between her husbands, and they were each holding her hand. It would be difficult to ignore the strain on each of their faces.

  In fact, Merry noticed it was on the ME’s too.

  Something was going on.

  She could feel it.

  “Why does it feel like we’re heading off to the gallows?” she asked, keeping her voic
e low.

  Chris wouldn’t give away too much information, but he knew Merry would have questions.


  She was the only tech on the plane. Normally, they travelled with a pack of crime techs. Today, that wasn’t the case. That alone should be setting off every alarm for her. If she didn't have questions, he would have lost respect for her.

  “We’re heading back to DC to handle a case Elizabeth and I worked years ago. The killer got away. He vanished.”

  Well, so much for Chris’s hard and fast rule about always playing it straight with their team when they asked questions. Chris knew he didn't have any choice.

  This was need to know only, and Merry didn't need to know.


  She stared at him.

  “Can’t you give me something?”

  He thought about it. She was right. Merry needed a little information in order to do her job.

  “Do you recall the ‘Irish Butcher’ case?” he asked. Chris knew Merry would have been young at the time. She might not have any clue who he was.

  “I remember my parents talking about it. Everyone was. Why?”

  “That was our first big case together. Elizabeth and I were teamed up to find him. Needless to say, he escaped.”

  He left it at that.

  “And he’s back?”

  “Apparently, but we’re keeping this quiet. We don’t want to start a media feeding frenzy.”

  “Shit! That’s why she looks so freaked out. I don’t blame her. Trying to catch a serial killer that many years later has to be difficult.”

  He was well aware.

  “I want you to call ahead to Quantico and make sure you have everything that you need for the scene. We’re traveling light because we’re going to be working out of the Hoover building.”

  “Yes, Doctor.”

  “Head to the back of the jet to make the call. You’ll have privacy to coordinate it. Please book the morgue for me. I’m going to be doing an autopsy tonight.”

  She moved out of her seat, but before she walked away, Merry patted him on his shoulder. “Don’t worry, Chris. We’ll catch him. She’s the best investigator the FBI has. I have faith in the boss lady’s skill.”

  Oh, the irony of that statement.

  As soon as Merry was gone, and they had privacy, Chris moved closer to the people he called family.

  “We need to talk,” he said, sitting down across from them.

  Ethan watched him cautiously. While he trusted his friend, Elizabeth had told him everything. He didn't like that more people knew about what went down. While it was just them, he could keep it contained.

  Now…not so much.

  “Chris, I told them everything that happened, even what went on between us,” she admitted

  “Newton, huh?” He tried to joke, but he knew what was coming, and he needed to lighten the mood.

  She nodded.

  “I have to be honest with you,” he said, reaching into his bag. Pulling out a folder and container, he held them in his hand. “Here.”

  When Chris handed her the bullet, she got that sick feeling in her stomach.

  “Gabe told me to bury everything from the case. I did what he asked, but before I followed his instructions, I had to know the truth. That bullet took Seamus O’Brien’s life. That’s how I knew, Elizabeth.”

  She stared at him.

  “It had one traceable fingerprint. I ran it, and it seems that you’re the owner.”

  She didn't speak.

  “I thought you should have it back.”

  Callen went to speak, but she stopped him. “Please, he deserves this moment. I trust him with my life.”

  Chris continued, “When I picked it up at the city morgue, I made sure they cremated the body. You don’t have to worry about that. The family couldn’t afford a burial, so Gabe signed off on it. We footed the bill.”

  It only seemed fair since she might have killed the wrong person.

  “Thank you, Christopher.”

  “Don’t thank me. You know where my allegiance has always been, Elizabeth.”

  “Why didn't you tell her sooner?” Ethan asked. “You knew, but you didn't tell her.”

  Chris thought about it. “At first, it was because I was madly in love with her. Elizabeth saved me so many times, and I’m not just talking about in the field. There were countless times in which I wanted to run, but she stuck. When she promised to have my back, she always did. A part of me didn't want to believe Elizabeth did it, but I had the proof the entire time. I hoped this day wouldn’t come, but I figured it was better safe than sorry.”

  She handed Ethan the bullet. “I was so young and naïve. I actually thought it would stay buried.”

  “I wish we had the files to work this case,” Ethan said. “It would make this easier.”

  Chris handed him a stack of papers. “You do. I kept a copy with the bullet.”

  They stared at him, unsure what to think. Elizabeth’s eyes filled with tears, but the men…they were suspicious.

  It was clearly written on their faces.

  “Everything is in there—the reports, the bloodwork, and the DNA. It’s all there.”

  Ethan opened the report as Elizabeth read over his shoulder. When he flipped the pages, a sheet of paper fell out. When she picked it up, she immediately recognized it.

  It was the note the profiler had left on her desk.

  You have a watcher. He’s going to be studying his prey the entire time before he makes a move. They are highly intelligent individuals, and very dangerous. If cornered, they will strike out. They will kill out of necessity, and all focus should be on the team. If they want to play a game, they will, using all the pawns in play. If the male has an ego, or issues with his past, he will be more than likely to strike out at the investigators.

  Once he is locked onto a potential target, he will follow through. He will make sure to get to the goal he has set. This is very much like a game for him. He will be offended if someone interrupts, but he will also be offended if someone doesn’t come after him.

  To him, this is about his craft. He’s going to be artistic and love what he does. Murder to him is something beautiful. The rape isn’t going to be about getting off. It’s going to be about hurting his victims. He’s likely been hurt in his past. This is his way to get control.

  He’s led by ego, and that makes him dangerous. If you run into him, you need to be prepared to fight for your life. The Butcher will take what he deems his, and destroy it. He will not screw around. He has a goal. He has an endgame.


  The second Ethan saw it, he realized he’d been right. Now he had to come clean.

  “I was the profiler,” he admitted, running his fingers over his initials on the bottom of the paper. “I was the one who lead you to the killer.”

  She looked over at him in shock. “You were?”

  Then she saw what he noticed. “You were E.B? You were the hotshot profiler that Gabe kept trying to get me to call for more information?”


  It wasn’t lost on either of them how close they came to meeting well before Salem.

  Callen spoke up, “You could have met her a decade earlier. You might have ended up with each other anyway.”

  She stared into his eyes. “Fate had a plan.”

  Ethan didn't mention the rest. He wasn’t ready to tell his wife everything. In fact, he hurt over the poor choice he’d made years ago.

  “Are you okay?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I was just thinking that Fate is a bitch. I profiled this one, and I might be just as much to blame in this as you. If you killed,” he whispered that word, “the wrong man, it may be my fault. I feel like I let you down. I can’t help but think that I pointed you at him. This is on me too.”

  She kissed him on the cheek. “You did your job. I’m to blame for this and no one else. I made the decision. I pulled the trigger—not you.”

  They sat in silence.
  Chris patted her knee. “We’re in this together. We all carry a part of the responsibility. You took a life, Ethan profiled it, Livy told you it was Seamus after her rape, and I buried it. We all had our hands in this one, Elizabeth. You’re not the only one carrying this.”

  Ethan kissed her on the temple. “He’s right.”

  She wouldn’t let this tarnish their careers. She’d pulled the trigger. She’d done the deed.

  This was on her.

  Finally, she spoke. “I need a few minutes. I want to reread everything. As soon as I step off this plane, I have to look strong, play tough, and be badass Elizabeth Blackhawk. It won’t be easy, but if I don’t pull it off, the media and everyone else will suspect something.”

  They understood.

  Standing, she kissed Chris on the cheek. “Thank you for being a hoarder. I appreciate it.”

  He laughed. “I don’t think that was a compliment, Elizabeth, but you’re welcome.”

  She moved toward the back of the plane to get comfortable.

  “What isn’t she telling us?” Ethan asked.

  Chris knew he needed to go on the record. “This nearly killed her. When Gabe and Livy bailed on her, she crumbled. It took everything I had not to hunt them down and tell them off. They broke her. I hated Gabe for a very long time over this.”

  “What?” hissed Blackhawk. “What do you mean they bailed and broke her?”

  Chris knew the man had a right to know. If Elizabeth was his wife, he’d want to hear everything. Besides, they were friends.

  Close ones.

  “Right after this went down, they showed up at her place, and Livy told her they’d eloped. She felt betrayed and alone. She called me and we spent four days in bed.”

  Callen growled.

  Chris stared at him. “Callen, calm down. It wasn’t like that. We watched movies, ate pizza, and I let her cry. She was my best friend, and to this day, she still is.”

  Ethan relaxed. “This is going to hurt her. It’s going to be like reopening wounds.”

  “Yes, it will be, but she isn’t alone. We can help her, and we will. I made a promise to your wife. I swore I’d have her back since she always had mine.”


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