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Justice is Dead (Croft & Croft Romance Adventure Book 7) Page 6

That said a lot.

  The man before him was dangerous. Yes, they had both been soldiers, but he’d served his country. Dimitri had been a hired gun, a mercenary for the highest bidder. It was how he made the majority of his money before coming here. It was also how he bought his way into the United States.

  “What can you tell me about him? I’m going to talk to Steele tomorrow, and possibly his mother, but anything extra going in will be helpful.”

  Dimitri steepled his hands in front of his mouth, and there was a flash of silver beneath his coat as he moved.

  Greyson wasn’t going to ask how he got a gun past security. It was best that he not know all the man’s tricks. For now, he trusted him. In his file cabinet, there was a dossier on the Gideons--just in case. It was likely the only one that had ever existed.

  They were that good at covering their tracks.

  “Rutherford Bentley was running numbers for Marianna. When Dominic first arrived, he was a penny ante criminal. He didn't have much cash to his name, so he had to strong-arm his way into the field. He’d shake down shopkeepers, put the squeeze on bookies he owned, and break a few legs.”

  “He’s a gem,” Curtis said, relaxing on the couch. He was glad to be back. Being off from work sucked, and he needed to keep busy. If not, he was dwelling on a woman.

  Ironically, it wasn’t his dead wife.

  It was Katerina Gideon.

  “I’m surprised no one has put a bullet in his head yet,” Curtis stated.

  “Yeah, well, I’m sure many have pondered it. Dominic earned his reputation. In fact, he quickly moved up the ranks.”

  “Did you work for him?”

  He laughed. “Do you really want me to answer that, Greyson? I’m sure this place has to be bugged.”

  He stared at him. “My office is one of the few places in this building without security. Now, answer my question. Did you work for that asshole?”

  “Yes. I did a few jobs.”

  There was trust there.

  Greyson knew that the man wouldn’t admit to just anything.

  “What kind of jobs?”

  “He had a pest problem, and I had a way to get rid of them. I handled it. Unfortunately for him, but fortunately for me, we didn't work well together.”


  “Dominic is a rapist who likes to abuse women. I find that…distasteful. The more time I spent with him, the more I wanted to make him cry for his mommy. It was best we went our separate ways. When he started making eyes at my sister, and she was just a very young girl, I had to put space between them. No one touches my sister and lives.”

  Curtis swallowed when Dimitri glanced over at him.

  “Croft or not,” he added.

  Greyson could have laughed at the look on Curtis’s face. It was pretty damn funny. The boy looked like he was going to be sick.

  “How about we stay focused?” Greyson asked. “Why did Marianna kill him?”

  “I don’t believe anyone can prove he did. Apparently, he hired someone so slick that no one’s been able to find him. Like Randall, Dominic hired his work out of house.”

  They both stared at him.

  Dimitri laughed. “Don’t worry, my friend. It wasn’t me. His name is ‘The Ghost’. I’ve never met him, but from what I hear…if you cross paths, you’re not talking about him again.”

  “For the record,” Greyson said, “I was looking at you because I know you were Randall’s hired gun.”

  He grinned. “Do you now? That’s incredibly intriguing. I would love to see you prove that in court. That might entertain me.”

  Greyson didn't have time for this. He could keep asking questions or whip out his file on Dimitri. That would wipe the smug off his face.

  Unfortunately, that was his ace in the hole.

  He was saving it.

  Croft went with option A. “What do you know about the killing?”

  “Not much. I know that Rutherford worked for Dominic, they had a falling out, and then he disappeared. Where did you find him?” he asked, playing dumb.

  Greyson told him about Emma’s case where they dug the bodies up in the desert.

  “Talk about poor placement,” he stated. “That had to make him increasingly worried. If you can tie that body to him, then he’s screwed,” Dimitri offered.

  He hated lying to Greyson and playing dumb. It went against his gut. He genuinely liked the man. In fact, he liked him so much that he’d work for him free of charge.

  Croft intrigued him.

  Emma made him smile.

  He liked being near them. When they were in the same room, sharing a meal, it was almost like a family. He’d never had that growing up, and it was the one thing in life that he’d never been able to buy.

  Family was a gift, and he had yet to be lucky enough to be given it.

  Maybe one day.

  “I need you to dig. I want you to find me anything, anyone, or any details about Rutherford Bentley the day before he was killed. Someone saw something.”

  “Greyson, it was a long time ago. Maybe you should let sleeping dogs lie.”

  He couldn’t.

  Croft had promised his brother-in-law to be that he’d handle this, and he would. Besides, it gave him a legal right to harass the shit out of Dominic Marianna.

  That alone made his freaking day. The man liked provoking him on a personal level, but he wouldn’t go after the Fed.

  He knew better.

  Greyson ran this office by the letter of the freaking law. He was sterling.

  “From killer to killer,” Greyson asked. “They talk, right?”

  He laughed. “Not the good ones who want to live long lives or stay out of prison. I don’t even tell my sister about the more challenging cases. I’ll take them to my grave.”

  Greyson pointed at the big, blue and gold emblem on the wall behind him.

  “Yes, I get it. You’re the FBI.”

  He was glad Dimitri was aware.

  “How many people did Marianna kill? There has to be rumors. You had to have heard something.”

  “Less than ten, more than five. ‘The Ghost’ doesn’t come to Vegas often. When he does, one hears about it if you’re on the seedy side.”

  “Thank you.”

  He wished Greyson wouldn’t do that. After all, he was holding back for Emma. He’d promised to buy her some time, and he’d keep his word. A killer was only as good as his promise, and he’d vowed to protect her no matter what.

  He’d do the job.

  Despite the consequences.

  “If we’re done, I have to get back to Terrace Glen. Natasha has Emma’s back, Katerina is working on something, and I have to make sure your fortress remains safe.”

  “Yeah, thanks. Dig for me.”

  Dimitri simply nodded before heading out. As soon as the door was closed, Curtis whistled.

  “This is a mess, Grey.”

  “Yeah, I know it is. I have a feeling it’s going to get worse before it gets better.”

  His gut was screaming.

  “Grey, drop it,” Curtis said.


  “You know Dominic has been trying to get you to engage him. At the premiere last month, he nearly had you throwing punches. He wants you to go at him. What if this is part of it?”

  It was a risk he’d take.

  For his wife, he’d do anything to keep her alive.

  “At the musical, he was leering at MY Emma. He put his hands on her last year at Randall’s last party. I can only take so much, Curtis.”

  “I get it, big guy, but at some point, you’re going to lose it. This is a bad place to be. He’s backing you into that corner for a reason. He wants you to blow.”

  “I know. I want to push back. The Commissioner’s Spring Fling is coming up this weekend. Dominic will be there. He can’t stay away. I’ll approach him there.”

  “Let this go, Grey. If he killed Rutherford Bentley, there’s not going to be evidence. Like Dimitri said, this ‘Ghost’ isn�
��t leaving a trail.”

  Greyson sat. “All killers leave a trail, Curtis. I did when I took lives. No one is a ghost. I’ll find something. I have to do it for Steele. You should have seen his face. He was broken by this. I want to give him closure.”

  Curtis knew there was no stopping him. Once Greyson Croft got a burr under his saddle, it was one bumpy ride for everyone involved.

  “Okay, what can I do?” he asked.

  “Nothing until you’re officially back.”

  Curtis grinned. “I was just given my gun and badge. It looks like I’m back, and since Tessa is still on her honeymoon, it looks like I need a partner. Do you want to pair up for old time’s sake?”

  He stared at him.

  “Should you be in the field?”

  “I passed testing. I’m no longer cuckoo for Coco Puffs. Apparently, I’m sane.”

  He grinned and crossed his eyes.

  Croft laughed. “Yeah, whoever cleared you should have their sanity questioned.”

  Curtis got serious.

  “I’m seeing a therapist, Grey, and I’m working through my issues. I’m really over Brynn, and what she did to me. She wanted out, and I’m glad she did. I hate that she was murdered, but that’s not on me. I’m moving on.”

  “Would you be moving on with a certain gorgeous and bendy woman we both know?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I think I’m finally ready.”

  Greyson stared at him.

  “I know! Move slow. When I get a chance, I’m going to talk to her. I don’t want any surprises. I’m too much like you to try to hide it. I want what you and Emma have.”

  “Curtis, you have to be you.”

  He laughed. “I meant love. I want that kind of love. You know, the kind where the room goes silent around you when you see her. I didn’t have that with Brynn, and I know I settled.”

  He grinned. “Yeah, I miss my sexy kitten.”

  “Gag. Don’t ruin my puritanical thoughts about Mom. I don’t want to think sexy things about her. It’s awkward. I feel like Freud.”

  “You’ll feel dead if you think sexy thoughts, and that’s a promise.”

  Curtis laughed. “Yeah, I know. You don’t need to worry about me. Katerina likes me. She chased me. I’ve never had that before in my life. I’ve always had to be the aggressive one and chase the woman down. With her, she makes me smile. Kat likes me for me.”

  “And you’re okay with her past?” When Greyson found everything out, he let his wife, and Curtis, in on it. They were working out of their pool house, so they had to make sure they were all on the same page.

  “I am. She had a rough life. They both did. I can’t fault them for fighting to get out. I would have done the same. We can’t all be born into your billions.”

  Croft laughed. “You are not the fruit of my loin, son. You fell into it just like we did.”

  Curtis grinned. “I’m better, Grey. I’m nearly me again.”



  “Suicidal thoughts?”

  “When your mother is around, yes.”

  He laughed. “Join the club. If she never comes back, we’re lucky. When my kitten is pissed, I don’t get to pet her. That makes me cranky.”

  “God! My freaking ears.”

  Greyson grabbed his phone.

  “You’re not going to have phone sex, are you? Let me know. I can jump,” Curtis offered, pointing at the window.

  Croft laughed. “You’re back. Welcome to my team,” he said, dialing.

  “Chris?” he asked, once the man had answered the phone.

  There was silence on the other end.

  Finally, he spoke, “Sorry, I was handling something in my office. What do you need?”

  Greyson really appreciated Christopher Ford. At first, they hated each other. Now, they were close.

  “I need a file, but it’s not official. In fact, the less people know about it, the better.”

  “Well, shit, Croft, that sounds ominous. What kind of file do you need?”

  “It’s for a missing person case that dates back twenty years ago. It’s going to be old, dusty, and easily misplaced, if you know what I mean.”

  “Well, I just finished a briefing a little while ago, so I can make that happen. Can I ask who and why you need it?”

  “Sure. That’s the least I can do.” Greyson didn't mind in the least. The man on the other end of the phone was family. He wouldn’t betray him.

  “I have paper, shoot.”

  “It’s for Rutherford Bentley. It was likely his wife who filed the report.”

  “Wait, Bentley? As in Doctor Steele Bentley? Is there any relation?”

  “Yep, the one in the same. His father’s remains turned up after twenty years.”

  “Shit! That sucks! If you see him, tell him I’m so sorry, and if he needs anything to give me a call.”

  This was one more reason why he liked the man. He cared about the people he worked with—past and present.

  “I will, but the rest has to stay between us.”

  “Sure, what?”

  “Rumor has it that Dominic Marianna killed him. I’m going after him. I’m going to finally seal the coffin on that dickwad.”

  There was silence.


  “Sorry, I was writing. I’ll bring the file. We can’t do it here or there. Where’s a safe location? Your house?”

  “Hell no! I can’t let my wife know we’ve figured out the identity. She’s going to want to handle it. Since it’s not really an FBI case, and we haven’t been able to stick anything to him, I would have to pass it off. The last thing I want is my wife even thinking about that asshole, let alone working a case related to him. I’m sure you understand that.”




  Chris had just told Emma that he’d stay quiet unless Greyson contacted him or asked for help. He really needed to think.

  “Yeah, I totally get it. Where do you want to meet?”

  “There’s a bar in my one hotel—attached to the casino. Want to meet there?”

  “That’ll be great.”

  “Hey, I hear my wife pulled a case. What’s she working?” he asked.

  Oh, bloody hell!

  Chris hated this.

  Every freaking second of this, he was going to be in a tug of war. Well, he promised he’d buy Emma time. Thankfully, he didn't say how much time. It looked like the clock was ticking on this one. Now he couldn’t tell Greyson the truth, and he couldn’t turn around and warn Emma.

  He was trapped.

  This was exactly what his gut had said would happen. This was his worst nightmare.

  “She and Mace pulled a body in some forest. A tip came in. I think she headed home to work on it. She said something about dinner with her sexy caveman.”

  He laughed. “Yeah, we’ll have to have a quick drink. I don’t want to keep my wife waiting.”

  He wiggled his eyebrows at Curtis, only to have him make gagging sounds.

  Yeah, the boy was back.

  “I think quick is best,” Chris stated.


  When he got home, he was going to drag her to bed right after they fueled up. He missed her, and all day she was running through his mind.


  “Greyson, maybe you should drop this case. Marianna is gunning for you.”

  Curtis pointed to the phone proving his point. He wasn’t the only who was thinking that.

  “Thanks, Chris, and I appreciate it, but I need to end this. If I sit here, it’s only a matter of time before he comes at me. I’m going on the offense with this one. Truth be told, Vegas isn’t big enough for the both of us, and he won’t leave, so…”

  “I’m just saying that maybe you should pass this one off to someone who isn’t so close to this one. You’re in the middle, Croft. The last thing you need is to get sucked into it.”

  “I am too close. I have everything to lose. I
can’t sleep at night. I’m afraid if I close my eyes, something will happen to Emma. I can’t lose her. The only way to ensure she’s safe is to take that douchebag out of the game.”

  He sighed, knowing this was a mess. “I hear you. I’ll see you at six,” he said, disconnecting the call.

  Greyson laughed. “You’d think my wife paid you all to tell me to leave Marianna alone. You, Dimitri, and now Chris. I’m starting to get a complex.”

  “Now you’re paranoid. That’s never a good way to start any case. For the record, any sane person thinking this through would tell you to back off.”

  He laughed. “You’re right. Let’s get some coffee, talk, and start planning. That is, if you’re still interested in helping me.”

  “Dad, you couldn’t shake me if you tried.”

  He laughed.

  He was well aware.

  Family stuck.

  No matter what.

  * * * Croft & Croft * * *

  LVPD Morgue

  She was almost home when the call came in. Doctor Hanlon wanted to see her regarding the preliminaries of the case.

  That was fine with her.

  So she headed back.

  It wasn’t like Emma had big plans. They were basically to head home, go to her office, and wait for Dimitri to get back. They needed a plan of attack, and that meant getting a confirmation of the ID.

  Yes, in Randall’s file, he had a name listed, but she didn't want to go jumping the gun. If she did, people might begin talking.

  They already called her Sherlock.

  She didn’t need them calling her psychic now too.

  To suggest a name would throw up red flags. That body was degraded and a mess, and an ID was going to be tough. Yeah, they’d think she was consulting with a psychic of some sort if she even showed any of her cards.

  This was Vegas, so Emma had to play it cool.

  When she headed into the morgue, her least favorite person was waiting for her. Honestly, she wanted to go tell the ME to pound sand, but that wouldn’t be advantageous.

  She had to work with the woman, and Doctor Hanlon held a wicked grudge. She still didn't forgive Emma for bumping her off Brynn Westmore-Briggs’s murder scene.

  “Hello, Doctor. What do you have for me?” Emma asked, trying to stay smiling and calm.