Justice is Dead (Croft & Croft Romance Adventure Book 7) Read online

Page 35

  She braced for what was coming. Honestly, she wasn’t sure what to expect.

  Curtis felt the tension in her body, and he knew he had one shot at doing this right. As he found his way to the vee between her legs, his fingers gently stroked her through her panties.

  She jumped.


  He glanced up at her. “Don’t be sorry. Be Katerina.”

  She relaxed.

  “Close your eyes, think about me, and don’t think about what I’m going to do. Just enjoy the pleasure.”

  She wanted to do that in the worst way, only she never knew sex to be anything other than painful.

  As he blew a breath of warm air across her flesh, she shivered from the goose bumps.

  “Curtis,” she said, waiting for him, and then she felt it. His warm mouth came in contact with her panties just over her clitoris. As she was about to protest, the warmth flooded her.

  This was new.

  This was…amazing.

  Like he suggested, she closed her eyes and fell into the pleasure. While his mouth teased her through the material, the wetness began pooling.

  Curtis went slowly, trying to pull every ounce of pleasure out of each motion. When his fingers stroked, slipping beneath the fabric of her panties, she was too lost in the motion of his tongue.

  She was responding more than he expected.

  In fact, her breathy little gasps made him hard as a rock. Still, he went slowly.

  “Curtis,” she moaned, right before she fell into her first orgasm.

  Her body shook, and he stopped.

  When she opened her eyes, she stared down at him. “Wow.”

  He grinned. “That’s only the beginning. Want to go on, or do you want to stop?”

  She smiled. “Can we go on? Does it get better?”

  That made him laugh, breaking the tension in the room.

  “Oh, baby, it gets so much better, if you just trust me.”

  “Let’s do it.”

  Her smile lit up the room, and it made his heart thump. “Can I take off your panties?”

  She nodded.

  As he took them off, his hand shook. He’d already sampled what she had to offer, and Curtis was dying to have more. Nothing he’d ever tasted was as amazing as his rose.

  Before he could start, she sat up and took his face in her palms. “Thank you for being gentle with me.”

  She kissed him on the lips.

  While he wanted to jump on her, he knew he’d made a promise.

  “Next stop, orgasm,” he teased, immediately diving in. When she moaned the second he touched her, Curtis knew making love to her would change his life.

  It was already happening.

  As he teased, licked, and sucked, she responded as no woman had ever done before. In the past, sex was sex, but this was like an adventure. As he tormented the most sensitive part of her body, she gripped the linens with clenched fists as another orgasm rolled through her body.

  Yet, he carried on.

  She whispered his name over and over, as pleasure cascaded over her body. She never wanted this to end.



  As he flicked his tongue over the tight bundle of nerves, she came hard.

  Curtis stood up.

  As she watched him, breathing heavily, he knew they needed to see if she could go any further. While he didn't mind dining on Katerina, and he could be happy with just that, he wanted to show her what existed out there.

  “May I join you on the bed?” he asked.

  Immediately, she scooted back and patted it. “Yes, please.”

  He laughed. She was like a kid on Christmas. He could see the sparkle in her eyes as she longed to see what else he’d whip out of his bag of tricks.

  His hands went to his shirt, and he stripped out of it. When that was on the floor, he stopped as his fingers touched his belt.

  “What are you thinking?”

  “Is it going to hurt?”

  Curtis knew she was robbed of so much, and he longed to replace it.

  “No. I promise this won’t hurt if I do it right.”

  She went to her knees in the center of the bed as he silently watched her.

  “Okay. Let’s have sex.”

  Curtis laughed. “Make love. We’ll have sex another time. There’s a difference. I’ll show you it later.”

  She hoped he was right. She wanted to experience everything with him.

  When he dropped his boxers, she watched him.

  He waited patiently, allowing her to adjust to the fact that he was naked. Honestly, Curtis wasn’t sure what she’d do. He’d dealt with countless victims of sexual abuse, and it took a great deal of trust to do what Kat was attempting.

  He prayed he’d be enough to help her through it. Just when he thought she wouldn’t take that step, he was proved wrong.

  Katerina moved closer, running her finger down his erection. He was smooth and perfect. Being brave, she took him in her hand, stroking him.

  Curtis moaned.

  He was already wild with lust, and that simple touch made him even crazier.

  While his eyes were closed, he heard the bed in front of him moving. When he opened his eyes, it was in time to feel her tugging him forward by the arm.

  Together, they tumbled in a pile of arms, legs, and long black hair. Her mouth sought his, and Curtis kissed her as if it was the last time he’d touch her.

  She wound around him, locking her body to his. She was bendy, and that made his heart race in need.

  Making love to Kat would never be boring. She was like a kid in a candy store, and she wanted a little of everything he had to offer.

  It turned him on.

  As they rolled, he ended up on top.

  “I need to know this isn’t going to hurt.”

  He got it.

  She was worried.

  Leaning down, he kissed her, burying his hands in her hair. Instinctually, her legs went around his hips, opening her up for him.

  When she was lost in the kiss, he figured it was now or never. If he slid in, and she freaked out, they’d know.

  As he found her wet, Curtis prayed.

  When he tugged on her hair, distracting her, he found his way home.

  She gasped.

  He stopped moving.

  “Katerina?” he asked, trying not to move.

  “You feel so good,” she whispered, moving her mouth over his throat. “You feel so right. It’s like a missing piece was put back inside me. I feel whole again.”

  It was music to his ears.

  Curtis knew he wouldn’t be up for a marathon of sex. This first time he was breaking his sexual fast too. Kat was sexy, sleek, and he was turned on.

  This wasn’t going to be easy.

  Slowly, he slid out, just a bit, and Kat responded. The breathy little gasp heated his body to the point of boiling. The scent of her perfume made it so hard to stay focused.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, making sure he put her first. It really wasn’t hard. He genuinely wanted to do it.

  “Yes! Please, I need you. Make love to me.”

  He got it.

  He needed her too.

  Curtis forgot about babying her. Instead, he worried about getting them both off. Now it wasn’t only about her. It was about them.

  As he began moving, sliding in and out of her body, the pleasure outweighed everything in his mind.

  It was glorious.

  Kat was moaning, whispering, and begging him never to stop.

  He never wanted to.

  It never felt like this before.

  As he braced himself over her body, staring down into her pleasure-filled face, he took the one thing that he needed.

  It was to hear her name come from his lips.


  Tears filled her eyes.

  “Thank you for this gift.”

  With that, Curtis could feel her tumble, tightening down on him. He struggled to stay in contr
ol, and it was the hardest thing he’d ever done in his life.

  When she opened those brilliant aqua eyes, they were filled with pleasure.

  There was no fear.

  There was no hurt.

  Kat was happy.

  Her laughter filled the room. As he was about to say something, she rolled, forcing him to his back. As Kat sat perched on top of him, his erection still buried in her body, he was struggling.

  “I want to be on top. I was never able to do this.”

  Her wish was his command.

  Curtis knew she was going to play, finding her rhythm, and he was glad it was with him.

  As she began moving, sliding up and down his erection, he stared up at her.

  Kat’s hair was moving, she was biting on her lower lip, and then she was staring deeply into his eyes.

  “This is perfect.”

  He couldn’t agree more.

  As she didn’t give up, riding him hard, he didn’t think he’d survive this. Already, he was trying to think about anything but the gorgeous woman bouncing above him.

  She gasped in pleasure, and he focused on her lithe body and full breasts.

  It was all it took.

  He couldn’t hold back.

  As she slid down, burying him in her body, he exploded apart. The wave of heat and pleasure rocked through his body and into hers.

  Time stopped.

  When he opened his eyes, she was resting on his body. Her lips were beside his ear.

  As Kat lay there, not moving, she whispered to him. “You’ve healed my heart.”

  He wanted to whisper back.

  There were so many words he wanted to say, only he couldn’t. Curtis swore he’d move slowly, and that was what he had to do.

  “Curtis? Are you okay?” she asked, staring down into his face.

  “Yeah, baby, I am.”

  Only, he wasn’t.

  Kat cuddled against him, her leg resting over his body as her head was positioned directly on top of his heart.

  He knew she could hear the pounding.

  Curtis only prayed she thought it was from what they just did, and not what he’d figured out.

  He was already in love.

  * * * Croft & Croft * * *

  The night was getting late.

  The party was breaking up. Their entire family was getting ready to leave, when Greyson saw him moving toward the bar. All evening, Dominic avoided them, and that was probably a damn good idea.

  Only, he’d insulted him, and in Greyson Croft’s world, there were repercussions for that.

  So, the ball was in his court.

  He might as well say what he needed to say.

  “Emma, stay here.”

  His voice was full of anger. He wasn’t asking, and she knew it. He was telling.

  Chris Ford took her arm as she tried to follow him.

  “Don’t, Emma. He needs to do this.” As much as Chris didn’t think he should do it, he got it.

  A man had to be a man.

  Greyson Croft couldn’t stand behind his wife as a shield. That wasn’t how he was made.

  She looked around at the men surrounding her. They were her family, and she had to trust that they’d stop him if he crossed a line.

  Honestly, she thought he was going to kill Marianna. All night, his body was tense, and he looked like a man on the edge. Something was definitely wrong.

  “Okay,” she said, hoping they were right. The last thing she wanted was for her husband to suffer.

  And he was.

  She could see it.

  Greyson stopped a few feet from him.


  The man turned. “Croft, are you here to hit me too?”

  He laughed at that. “You got leveled by a woman in heels. If anything, I feel sorry for you. I don’t have to hit you. Everyone in here knows you’re a pussy.”

  Dominic started turning bright red.

  “I actually came here to say something to you.”


  He lowered his voice and moved closer. “I know you’re behind those bodies, and I’m going to prove it. When I do, I’m going to bury you. You can try to hide, but I’m coming for you.”

  The man glared at him.

  “The end is coming, Dom. I hope you had fun while it lasted. I’m going to take you apart layer by layer. First, I’ll start with the mob boss persona. When I break that, I’ll move deeper. I’m going to start stripping you down, until you’re nothing. I know what you are, Dom.”

  “What am I?”

  “A street rat from New York who thinks you run this city. Well, you’re wrong. You only wish you ran this city. I own Vegas. Emma owns it. We’re the King and Queen, and we’re going to send you to jail.”

  “You think?” he asked. “You think you have balls enough to come at me?”

  “I know I do. When I send you off, and they make you take joint showers and wear flip-flops made of cheap plastic, you’ll be in that cell, and you’ll remember this conversation. For the rest of your life, every time they give you TV time, and you see me on it, you’ll know I’m enjoying a world without you.”

  He glared at him.

  “I’ll find the proof that you used ‘The Ghost’. I’ll find the weapon you used to cut those men apart. I’m going to bury you.”

  “What are you talking about?” he asked.

  Croft took a drag on the cigar in his hand. “Taking a shot at Curtis was a bad idea. Breaking into Sky Villa and killing that innocent guard was too. The game is on, Dominic. When this is over, we’re going to make sure you pay.”

  He moved closer.

  “We have four of the six bodies, and you’re going down.”

  He dropped his cigar in Dominic’s drink.

  “You fuck with my family, you get my full attention. For the last few months, I let you have your fun. It’s over. Now, Dom, it’s on.”

  With that, Greyson turned and walked away. When he was out of earshot, Dominic glanced over at his attorney. “I’m not going down for those other bodies. I don’t know what he’s talking about. Find out!”

  Kenneth James nodded, pulling out his phone. “On it, boss.”

  Then, he got to work.

  When they got home from the party, everyone went to their own rooms. Dante and Steele retired, kissing Emma goodnight.

  Dimitri started patrols, waiting for Natasha to come back and split the shift.

  Even Chris headed up to bed, needing to sleep off the few too many beers before work in the morning.

  Only, Emma didn't sleep.

  Neither did Greyson.

  They went to their room, and he attacked. The sex had been scorching hot as he took, stole, and plundered.

  He’d been a man on fire, and she could barely catch her breath. He’d rocked her world, making her come until she thought she couldn’t come any more.

  Then, when he was done, he left.

  As she lay there, she knew something was really wrong. He’d never pillaged her like that and left their bed. That wasn’t Greyson, and she knew it. Something was chasing him.

  There were demons far beyond the normal Dominic Marianna ones.

  Something was definitely wrong.

  So, she had to do something about it.

  Walking over to the security tablet mounted on the wall, she hit the button and called Dimitri.

  “Yes, Emma?” he asked, as his face came on the screen.

  “Greyson isn’t well. Can you tell me where he is?”

  He typed something on his laptop, and glanced back over. “He’s in the gym. Do you want me to go find him?”

  She shook her head.

  “I’ll do it.”

  Emma disconnected the feed, and quickly got dressed. The last thing she wanted was for her husband to be angry.

  Or hurt.

  Or sad.

  As she headed downstairs, she didn't expect to find him running like someone was chasing him. To make it worse, he wouldn’t look at her.
br />   He wouldn’t even acknowledge her being in the room.


  “Leave, Emma. I need to be alone.”

  She didn't get it.

  Something had to have happened beyond Dominic. Greyson was pulling away, and he only did that when it was really bad.

  Like now.

  “Why are you mad at me?”

  His wife was a smart woman, and in a way, he was mad at her, him, Vegas, and the rest of the world.

  He’d crossed a line, and that was eating away at him. He’d already told Dante to pay the man the money. He’d make sure his wife wasn’t hurt anymore, thanks to Randall Mason and his job.

  He’d caved to bribery because he owed her for all this misery. It wasn’t who he was, but he couldn’t lose her. Ultimately, he’d stolen so much from her, he couldn’t let her lose her job because of him.

  It would crush Emma. It was one more sin he couldn’t carry on his shoulders. Greyson couldn’t do it. The burden was too much to bear.

  “I need to be alone. Go!”

  When his tone got mean, she actually jumped. “Okay,” she said, hurt by what he’d just done to her. He was pushing her away, and she couldn’t reach him.

  As she walked away, Emma glanced back at the man she loved more than her own life.

  He was hurting.

  And now so was she.

  Upstairs, she found Chris Ford eating a sandwich. He was leaning against the counter, ankles crossed. When she walked in, he glanced up.

  “Hey! I hate the food at the fancy schmancy things. I needed sustenance before bed.”

  She didn't reply. Instead, she turned to leave.


  She stopped.

  Chris put down his plate and headed her way. “What’s wrong? Has something happened?”

  She nodded. “Greyson is upset, and he won’t talk to me. He’s running in the gym, and he told me to go away. He’s only ever done that once before, and it didn’t end well.”

  Chris hugged her. “Go to your room and take a hot bath. I’ll go talk to him.”

  “Don’t bother, Chris. I’ll be fine. I don’t want to stress him more. He’s being haunted by something. I just don’t know what happened between the party and coming home—other than Dominic.”


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