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Justice is Dead (Croft & Croft Romance Adventure Book 7) Page 26

  If she was going to be his date, he was taking Emma’s advice. Katerina deserved to feel loved, special, and important, and he was going to put her first.

  When she opened the door, she was standing there in a robe. She looked like hell.

  “Are you okay, Kat?”

  “Yes, I don’t think Doctor Bentley will need to give me stitches. They’re not bad at all.”

  Still, she didn’t look right.

  “Can I come in and talk?” Curtis asked.

  She nodded and let him in.

  “It just hit me how close that came,” she said, touching the lump that was forming on the crown of her head. She must have hit the concrete as they tumbled into the water.

  Curtis wanted to comfort her, but he also knew he needed to make sure she was safe.

  “Why don’t you get dressed? I’ll take you downstairs and Doc will check you out. I’ll make you some tea too.”

  She smiled at him. “Are you taking care of me?” she asked. “Is it because I saved you?”

  “No. It’s because I want to save you.”

  Her heart skipped.


  “It’s okay, Katerina. We’ll talk tomorrow night about it. For now, get changed.”

  “Wait for me?”


  She wanted to say something back, but what she really wanted to do was jump on him. How he was staying calm was beyond her. Maybe it was the adrenaline, or maybe it was just him.

  Kat wanted him more than anything in her life.

  “I’ll be right back.”

  He watched her leave. As she headed into the bathroom, she left the door open as she got dressed.

  Curtis stood at her dresser admiring the bottles of girly things. When he glanced up, he could see her in the reflection. Kat was completely naked, and from the side view, he was able to admire her body.

  She was lovely.

  Then he saw the scars crisscrossing her back.

  It angered him. Someone had abused her. No woman should ever be hurt like that, and the fact that someone sweet like Kat had suffered…it pissed him off.

  Curtis wanted to break the jars in front of him.

  “I’m ready,” she said, pulling on a t-shirt.

  Then she saw his face.

  “Are you okay? Did I do something to make you angry?”

  He moved toward her, and instinctively, she took a step back. It didn't deter him. Instead, he grabbed her and kissed her. It was wild.

  It was heated.

  It was only a small sample of what he felt inside.

  When he set her free, she simply stared at him with big eyes.

  “I swear right here and now that I’ll never hurt you, Katerina. No matter what, I’ll never do anything to break you. You don’t have to move away from me, because when I touch you, it will be out of love or passion. Never pain.”

  She touched his cheek and knew why he was angry. It was just like the first time Dimitri saw her back. He’d lost it too.

  They were very much alike. Whether they saw it or not, her big brother, and this sweet man, were cut from the same cloth.

  “I believe you.”

  He rested his forehead against hers. Being with her was going to be easy—not losing his mind when she was in danger…

  Yeah, that was going to break him.

  “We should go.”

  She held his hand and gave it a squeeze. “I’m ready. Lead me, Curtis.”

  He didn't think she meant downstairs.

  Then again, he might just be wrong.

  His track record spoke volumes.

  As they prepared to head out, both men were in black riot gear and carrying high-powered rifles. When they came down stairs, Dante was already waiting for him.

  He was in camo and dressed pretty much the same as they were.

  “Before you say a word,” he stated, pointing at his big brother, “I just got off a tour. You haven’t done this in years. One of us is rusty, and it’s not the killer in the room.”

  He pointed at Dimitri, yanking his chain. If they were going to be a family, no one was safe.

  No one.

  Croft laughed. “Yes, because being a Fed is sunshine and rainbows, Dante. No one ever shoots at me. In fact, I haven’t had to pull my gun in…”

  He glanced down at his watch.

  “Oh, a little over an hour.”

  “Okay, you made your point.”

  “Are you really letting him come with us? Is that wise?” Dimitri asked. “You know, he is…”

  “What?” Dante interjected. “I’m gay? So that means I can’t possibly handle myself in this situation. I should be buying feathers and pink polo shirts?”

  Greyson waited to hear this one. Dimitri’s aqua eyes were sparkling.

  “I was going to say you’re wearing desert camo as we walk through green trees. You’re not exactly going to disappear.”

  So, he dropped his vest and pulled off his black shirt for him. “This will help.”

  Then he vested back up.

  Okay, Dante wasn’t expecting that.

  “Hurry up,” he said, velcroing back into his gear. “We don’t want to lose more light.”

  Dante obeyed. “Thank you for this,” he said.

  Dimitri patted him on the back. “Family doesn’t judge. My concern is your safety. You can stop worrying that I think less of you because you’re gay. I think more of you because it’s hard to be different. I know.”

  Emma heard it all.

  That touched her.

  She walked up to the man and hugged him. “Thank you, Dimitri.”

  “Why is it that everyone in this family is so into hugging? It has to be an American thing.”

  She knew he was trying to laugh away his embarrassment.

  “It is what it is, my friend,” stated Greyson.

  Emma gave him a kiss.

  “Be safe.”

  It always amazed her that her husband had this other side. More often than not, he was well dressed, calm, and businesslike.

  Now he was a soldier.

  “Where’s Curtis?” Croft asked.

  “You’re not taking him,” she stated. “The boy is a bullet magnet today. He’s already wasted one of those nine lives.”

  “I’m well aware. I want him to babysit my girl,” Greyson said, winking at her.

  “Oh, Greyson, that’s so…” She moved toward him to give him another kiss. As soon as their lips touched, she punched him in the gut.


  “You’re vicious.”

  Dimitri laughed. “Now, that I understand.”

  Emma grinned at him. “Watch your back. You certainly didn't see that one coming.”

  The men headed out. Greyson knew it was going to take a while to get there. The terrain was hill, and they couldn’t just stroll up it. Granted it was getting darker, but he didn't want a bullet hole to the forehead as a parting gift from life.

  Slow and steady would win this race.

  “Are you taking point?” Dimitri asked, sticking a com in his ear in case they were separated.


  “Here, switch guns. This has a longer range, and the scope is superior. It’s my favorite gun, so treat her right.”

  They traded.

  “Do you need a tutorial?” Dimitri asked, watching the man slip the strap over his shoulder.

  “I’m a Fed. If it has a trigger, I can shoot it. Relax and trust me with your girl.”

  “Are you two going to make out with your weapons, or are we heading out?” Dante asked.

  Greyson laughed. “Stick close. Emma will kick my ass if I let anyone put holes in you. She’s planning the wedding and you have to be there.”

  They flanked him as they headed toward the location. As they got closer, Greyson would have them break up to sneak up on the location.

  Walking, he knew this would be the perfect time to talk to his brother about Steele.

  “How’s your fiancé doing?�
�� he asked, barely above a whisper.

  “He’s had better days.”

  “I’m about to make it worse.”

  Dante glanced over. “What? Why?”

  He told him about Tessa and Curtis’s interview with Vonda Herron.

  “Jesus,” Dante muttered, scanning the area. “This is the last thing he needs right now.”

  He was aware.

  Both Greyson and Dimitri were checking out any possible areas where the shooter could have come through. It was obvious that all three men had that soldier instinct.

  “What do you want us to do? We can bury it if you think that’s best, or I can tell him.”

  This was a tough one.

  “I think considering, let me hold onto this for a while. Steele says he’s fine, but that altercation with his mother hurt him.”

  “Was it bad?” Dimitri asked.

  The men laughed.

  It was enough said.

  “I’ll pass this one off to you then,” Greyson stated. “You know what’s best for him, not me.”

  “Thanks for being worried and not just dropping it in his lap. I appreciate it.”

  “It’s not a problem.”

  All of the sudden, Greyson stopped. “Do you smell that?” he asked.

  Dimitri did.

  It smelled like smoke.


  They rushed through the woods, already aware of what they would find. Greyson had used this tactic before when he had hidden in a blind to take a shot.

  The shooter was burning the evidence. You took the shot, lit it up, and then headed the other way to escape.

  Well, he wasn’t that big of a newbie.

  The person pulling the trigger got a portion of it right.

  As they headed into the one flat section of the hill, they saw the flames and smoke.

  Immediately, they began kicking dirt on them to preserve anything they could. Already, it was going to be one hell of a long shot.

  “He saw us coming,” Dante stated, looking around the ground for anything he could find.

  “Anything?” Greyson asked, stomping out the last of the flames.

  They had nothing.

  While this shooter wasn’t a pro, he knew enough to cover his trail. All three men knew that their possible tie to Marianna had walked away.

  “We should get back,” Greyson said, noticing the clouds rolling in. It looks like rain.

  “We’ll get this asshole,” Dante promised. “He can’t pull this and get away with it.”

  Only, they knew the truth.

  Dominic Marianna could, and likely would.

  He’d been playing this game for two decades, and he was a pro.

  * * * Croft & Croft * * *

  Across Town

  He got word that both of the hits had failed.

  It pissed him off.

  There was no way that two teams of men would bungle this so badly. It couldn’t happen.

  Did the Crofts have a guardian angel?

  Were they protected by some force so great that not even he could break it?

  One way or another, he knew he couldn’t give up. Something had to be done.

  He’d worked too hard building up his empire in secret. There was no way he was going to lose it all. All the time funneling money, hiding it for later, and being smart.

  There was so much to lose.

  It was going to continue until someone hit their target.

  No matter what, he’d win.

  The big dogs would be out of the fight, and he would have the ring all to himself.

  “Goodbye, Crofts. You never had a clue.”

  * * * Croft & Croft * * *

  Terrace Glen

  When they returned, the family was safely tucked away and in their beds. Paris and Tessa were placed in a room where they could recover from their ordeal, and Steele had retired to his and Dante’s room.

  Curtis had retired to his own room after tucking Katerina away for the night.

  The only person left was Chris Ford as he sat watch on the couch in the family room.

  When they entered, he was up, gun in hand.

  “Anything?” he asked.

  “Nothing. The shooter took his shot, watched for the outcome, and then burned it down.”

  “Shit! Marianna is playing for keeps. Maybe we need to back off. I don’t want to see anyone get hurt.”

  “Where’s Emma?” Greyson asked, scanning their home.

  “She was watching over the family upstairs, and then she said she was going to wait for you in your secret spot. I’m afraid to ask,” he admitted.

  Greyson laughed. “I have a panic room,” he stated.

  Dimitri began pulling off his gear. “It’s more than that, and you know it,” he teased.

  That had Dante’s attention. “Spill it.”

  “No! I don’t plan on telling you perverts anything.”

  Greyson was well aware that the room was their little get away. They had more space than most people, and still it was filled to capacity.

  “I’ve seen it on the house security schematics,” teased Dimitri. He wasn’t used to this kind of camaraderie, but he liked it. Greyson surrounded himself with decent men, and that he appreciated.

  He could get used to this.

  Croft said nothing as he walked toward the bar to pour himself a drink. When he glanced back, the three men were waiting for him.


  They nodded.

  As they leaned against the polished wood bar, he knew if he didn't say something, they’d be busting his ass nonstop.


  They’d make shit up.

  “What happens in Vegas?” he asked.

  They agreed.

  “It’s our little love nest. That’s all you get.”

  Chris grinned. “This is awkward and yet intriguing. You can’t stop there. Have mercy on a man who’s not getting any.”

  Then he looked around. “Actually, make that three men not getting any.”

  Dante stared at him. “Uh, I’m getting laid frequently.”

  “I’m referring to men getting some kitty, son. Kitty. Need me to explain what that is?” stated Chris, causing Dante to choke on his drink once he finally got it. “How about I spell it out? P…U…S…”

  He cut him off. “Enough! Ewww.”

  The men laughed.

  “I’m not saying anything. Emma will kick my ass. I like my posterior. I enjoy my girl. I’m not playing Russian Roulette.”

  “Fun game,” Dimitri said, right before spilling the details he knew. “There’s this big bed in the middle of the room. Someone likes props.”

  “Shut it!” he said. “How do you know what’s in it? Were you snooping in my room?”

  He laughed. “I put in the advanced security cameras. I noticed the dimensions were off, and I looked. It’s not that hard to find if you can read a map. You’re safe, I doubt these two could.”

  “Hey!” Dante and Chris objected at the same time.

  “Please tell me there are no cameras in there.”

  He laughed. “What?”


  “I’m yanking your chain. You’re good. Well, you’re actually kinky, but who am I to judge?”

  Chris started laughing.

  “Guests in my home shouldn’t be mocking my sex life. I’m the king of this castle, and she’s my queen.”

  No one doubted that.

  “On a serious note,” he stated. “Dimitri, what are the chances that Dominic is going to take a shot at us tomorrow?” he asked.

  There was a voice from the doorway.

  “Low,” stated Paris. “Sorry to interrupt, but I couldn’t sleep. When I can’t sleep, I work. I was just in your office going over the information.”

  “Spill it, son,” he stated, pouring him a drink.

  Paris rolled over. “Thank you for coming for us tonight. I really thought we were dead.”

  He patted Paris on the shoulder. “I p
rotect my family. I’m just sorry that they made an attempt at you there. When we gave you the place, I thought you’d be safe. I was wrong.”

  He knew Greyson would blame himself.

  “It’s okay, Grey. Were any civilians hurt?” he asked.

  Paris was bothered by that too. While they were Feds, they knew the risks. People should be safe in their homes, and the whole building was compromised.

  “William was killed, as were two guards. The third one is missing,” Ford said. “Chances are, he was their inside man.”

  That pissed them off.

  “Tomorrow, I’ll get the security camera footage. We’ll find the person behind this.”

  They already knew who it would be.

  Greyson made a mental note to call William’s wife. He was going to take care of all the expenses. The poor woman had to be heart broken. William had been a cop for years. After retirement, he took the job to make money to pay for the gap that his pension didn’t cover.

  He was only trying to take care of his wife, and now Greyson would carry on for him.

  Her worries would be over.

  It was the least they could do.

  “Whoever is doing this is acting like they have nothing to lose,” Paris admitted. “They are taking shots at cops and Feds, hiring hitmen, and willing to do anything to stop us.”

  He was aware.

  “That takes balls or insanity.”

  “Well, which is it, Paris?” Croft asked. “And are we safe tomorrow?”

  He thought about it.

  This wasn’t exactly guessing.

  “The person doing this won’t make his move at the party. If this is Marianna, he’ll want to see if you’re rattled. He’s also going to want to steer clear of suspicion.”

  “He’s the obvious person,” Ford said.

  “Yeah, but we’ll never be able to prove it,” Dimitri admitted. “Meanwhile, he’s building up his street cred, and looking like the big man on campus.”

  Croft wanted to walk up to him and put a bullet in his head for messing with his family.

  “Tomorrow, watch him as he’s watching you. Don’t let him see you rattled. He wants you worried and looking over your shoulder.”