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Justice is Dead (Croft & Croft Romance Adventure Book 7) Page 24

  Across Town

  When he got the call, he was happy.

  All day, he had been scared about the Crofts finding out the truth, but tonight, it would begin.

  They were going to be too busy to play treasure hunt.

  Before the end of the weekend, there would be blood spilled, and they wouldn’t be able to stop it.

  It was going to be perfect.

  Tonight, the first shots would ring out, and their world would start to crumble.

  Call him crazy, but if the Crofts were going to try and take him down, then he was allowed to retaliate.

  Why sit around and mope?

  Dominic Marianna was about to take the first shot in the battle, and by the end, he was going to win the war.

  * * * Croft & Croft * * *

  Two Hours Later

  Friday Night

  Curtis needed to clear his head.

  Whenever that happened, it was either running or swimming. Tonight, the sky was full of stars, and he had the place to himself.

  Tessa and Paris had headed back to Sky Villa to get comfortable for the night. Emma, Greyson, and Chris were still out working the scene, so he figured why not just get some cardio in, and then float in the water.

  He was still thinking about Katerina, and how she had turned him down. He wasn’t shocked.

  After all, she was gorgeous and knew how big of a mess he was.

  Curtis didn’t doubt that she was telling the truth about work, but she could have said she’d go with him.

  She was an adult and had she simply told Dimitri she was going, what would he do?

  Ground her?

  Shoot him?

  No, it stung. He was willing to risk himself for her, but she couldn’t do it for him.

  She knew he was recovering from being hurt. His heart had just been run through the ringer. Brynn made him doubt everything he ever knew to be true about himself.

  And that sucked.

  So even as he was angry, he was confused. His gut and heart were tied up in knots.

  So, as he swam in the pool, he tried to forget what had happened. Only, he couldn’t.

  The smile on her face had vanished right before she said no.

  It hurt him.

  After a few laps in the pool, his muscles began singing with the strain. It was a good thing. He was burning the mad off, and that was in everyone’s best interest.

  Curtis knew what would happen if he didn't. He didn’t want to have a fight—especially with her.

  He hated arguments.

  So, when he saw her, he was going to blow it off as if it was no big deal.

  That was for the best.

  After all, they all had to live under the same roof.

  Why make it anymore awkward than it had to be?

  Instead of letting it hurt, he wanted to wash away any of the mistrust.

  He had to.

  It was the only way he would survive.

  When Kat arrived back at Terrace Glen, she was carrying a garment bag and box with gorgeous shoes. As she wandered the house, she couldn’t find anyone.

  A simple text to Natasha gave her the answer. They were all working.

  A little part of her felt guilty. After all, she’d been out shopping while they were in danger.

  Then she saw him swimming.

  His long sleek body was cutting effortlessly through the water. She actually licked her lips.

  Yeah, forget the guilt.

  She wanted to spend some time with him while ‘Dad’ was away.

  This would be perfect.

  Racing up to her room, she pulled out her bikini, tugged it on, and grabbed a towel.

  Katerina was going to tell him the good news as soon as he realized she was in the pool. Her heart thumped in anticipation at the idea of frolicking with him in the water.

  As she made it to the side of the pool, he had just kicked off the furthest wall.

  He was heading her way.

  As she dangled her legs into the water, right in his path, the heat didn’t abate. It was hot out and watching his form cut through the water didn't make her temperature drop.

  If anything, she wanted to join him for a dip.

  As he approached, she began counting.




  Then there was contact.

  Curtis’s hand touched her bare leg instead of the cold concrete wall, and it caught him off guard. He jumped and stood up in the water, a look of surprise and shock on his face.

  “Christ! You scared me!”

  She smiled at him.

  “I thought I’d join you.”

  He didn't say anything. What was there to say? He hoped she wasn’t here trying to smooth over not wanting to be his date for the party by this.

  “Can we talk?”

  “I was going to go back to work. This was just to clear my head.”

  “Oh.” The disappointment was clearly in her voice, and the anger was in his.


  This was bad.

  He swam for the edge and pulled himself out. “Have a good night.”

  Curtis headed for the house, and then he stopped before he could reach the door.

  This was wrong.

  He wasn’t walking away. He wasn’t going to take that route again.

  “You know what?” he said, turning around.

  She looked over at him, and she looked like she was ready to cry.

  “I asked you to join me tomorrow, and it hurt that you blew me off with the work excuse. If you’ve changed your mind about us, just say it.”

  Her lip quivered.

  When she didn't say anything, he stared at her. “Well? Nothing, Kat? You’ve got nothing to say?”

  He was frustrated. He wanted to be with her in the worst way, but he saw the same road ahead, that he already traveled, and it scared him.

  Curtis didn’t want to feel that way ever again, and he was.

  “I wasn’t making an excuse,” she said standing up. “I was being honest. I was going to work tomorrow. Then Dimitri gave me the night off so I could go with you. I went out and bought a dress and shoes to impress you. To fit in, and I see that was a waste of time.”

  He stared at her.

  “Wait, what?”

  “I came out here to tell you I’d love to go with you, but maybe it’s you who changed your mind. You’re getting mad at me for no reason. It wasn’t like I told you I had to wash my hair,” she said, her voice going thick with the Russian accent.


  “No, I think it’s you who has decided that he has made a mistake.”

  Curtis approached her. “That’s not true. I wanted you there with me.”

  “Maybe you’re ashamed of me. I’m not rich, from a good family, or special. I’m sure you can find someone who deserves to go with you.”

  He stared at her.

  “None of that’s true. I never thought that at all. I was hurt that you wouldn’t say screw work to be with me. I’d do it for you. I’d drop everything and come running just to have you smile at me.”

  She would do that.

  Only, she had to do a job. It wasn’t all so easy from her vantage. They were in danger, and one screw up meant one of their lives.

  It pissed her off.

  “I’m simply here to make sure you stay alive. That’s my job. Dimitri doesn’t give up, and he told us to make sure the Crofts make it through this. That’s my goal. It’s not as simple as saying screw work, Curtis.”

  He moved closer, until he was right in front of her. Curtis could tell that she was as mad as hell. Her eyes were ablaze.

  “Why is it an excuse that I couldn’t be your date when I had to keep you alive? Do you know how hard this is?” she asked. “Danger is everywhere. I was willing to watch you dressed up, dancing with other women, as you had fun to make sure you lived. I was willing to sacrifice so much more than work. Only, you don’t see it.”

  She was right.

  He didn't think of it that way.


  “No! You're being a jerk and trying to pick a fight. I may come across weak, and childlike, but I’m going to stand up for myself. You know what, Curtis? I would have knocked your socks off in that dress, too. I would have made you proud, but now you can kiss my ass.”

  She went to turn, and he grabbed her arm. As soon as he jerked her around, she saw it.

  There was the telltale flash.

  Dimitri had trained them well.

  Instinct overcame everything else. It beat back survival instinct for herself. Instead of worrying, she moved, throwing her smaller body at his to knock him into the pool. As they tumbled, she heard it.

  The sound finally caught up, as did the burn. When they hit the water, she slid into the depths, knowing the shooter had got lucky.

  He missed Curtis.

  But he’d hit her.

  * * * Croft & Croft * * *

  Sky Villa

  They were cuddled up on the couch watching the evening news when the power went out. Paris and Tessa sat still in the dark, waiting for the generators to kick back on. One of the best things about Sky Villa was they never went without power. They had their own backup source in case Vegas went dark.

  When that didn't happen, Tessa got that feeling in the pit of her stomach.

  “Get in your chair, get in our room, and call Greyson,” she ordered.

  Paris looked at her as if she was crazy. “I’m not leaving you.”

  Tessa raced to the hall door to look out thought the security peephole. It didn’t take long to see the telltale signs of laser scopes.

  Yeah, they were screwed.

  She grabbed a stool from the kitchen and wedged it under the doorknob, hoping to buy them some time.

  “Paris, GO!” she hissed, rushing back toward him. She needed to arm herself, and fast.

  They were in some serious trouble.

  Somehow, Sky Villa had been compromised. The most secure building in Vegas was under siege, and she didn’t doubt why.

  Dominic Marianna was trying to take his shot at Greyson Croft.

  It was starting.

  Paris didn't want to leave her, but he knew they needed to make the call. They had to get help. With him in a wheelchair, and them being thirteen floors up, they were trapped. It was going to come down to Tessa, and that made him sick.

  Getting into their room, he heard Tessa retrieving her guns from her bag beside the piano.

  “Tess, be careful!”

  “Shhhhh,” she whispered, moving through the dark of the room to find the strongest flashlight they had. Since they turned out the lights, she was going to bet they were coming in with night vision.

  Someone wanted them dead, and she wasn’t ready to let that happen.

  Tessa didn't get married to die, or to lose Paris. She’d nearly been there, done that, and it sucked.

  She could hear him on the phone in their bedroom, and she prayed Greyson or someone got there fast.

  Just as she crouched by the chair, she heard the front door being kicked in. Tessa counted the steps as she prayed Paris would keep his ass in their room.

  When she saw the first shadow enter the room, Tessa turned on the flashlight, right in the man’s face.

  The first man screamed as he reached for his mask.

  He never got to it. Tessa took him down with a bullet to the head.

  One down, who knew how many more to go?

  As she began regrouping, Tessa heard the glass patio shattering in their room.

  “Oh God! Paris!”

  Tessa ran toward the noise.

  She had to save her husband.

  * * * Croft & Croft * * *

  When he got the call, he nearly shit a brick. Greyson was in the back seat with his wife when Paris’s frantic call came in.

  He only got a few words.


  Sky Villa.



  Each and every one made his blood run cold. It was starting. He could feel it in his gut. Marianna was making his first strike that Dimitri had warned them about.

  As soon as the call cut off, he told the man to floor it.

  And he did.

  As they pulled up in front of the building, it was silent.

  And black.

  That alone said it all. Sky Villa was generally alive with people coming and going.

  They grabbed their sidearms and got ready to enter. The front door wouldn’t open if the power was out, so Chris and Greyson took turns trying to boot the lock.

  Finally, it popped open.

  Heading in, Emma and Dimitri had flashlights, so they led the way. Behind the desk was William, their favorite guard, and he was dead.

  Someone put a bullet into his sweet head.

  That pissed Emma off.

  “Bastards,” she whispered, as they split up and got into the elevator. The intruders must not have cut all the power if the elevator was still working.

  Greyson went with his wife as Dimitri and Ford took the thirteen flights up.

  As the door opened, they headed down the dark hallway that used to lead to their home.

  A part of Greyson felt horrible that he’d trapped Paris and Tessa here, and a part was grateful that he and Emma had gotten out.

  He was torn.



  It was a mishmash of feelings.

  At the door, Emma listened, and they heard nothing. Greyson pointed in one direction, indicating that it was the way he planned on heading.

  Emma was going straight. As they entered, she stopped to touch the neck of some man on the floor. Blood was pooling beneath him, and he was definitely dead.

  Greyson cleared the kitchen when he heard the crunch of glass behind him. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw the other two men coming in.

  He pointed and they divided off.

  Emma knew where she’d go if they were being attacked. It would be their bathroom. There was only one way in, and there were no windows.

  The intruders would have to come in through the door. As she entered what had once been their bedroom, she saw another body on the floor. With the toe of her boot, she pushed him over.

  Someone had plunged a knife into his heart.

  From the blood there, there was one hell of a fight. At the bathroom door, she knocked with the nose of her gun. “Paris? Tessa?”

  She waited.

  Finally, she heard it.


  Slowly, she pushed the door open to find Tessa and Paris in the shower, both with their guns, and Tessa trying to stop the bleeding from her arm.

  “Christ,” Emma muttered, holstering her gun. “Grey! In here!”

  Everyone came running.

  Emma got down on her knees to look at the cut across Tessa’s arm.

  “There are five dead,” Greyson stated.

  Paris dropped his gun and grabbed his wife. “That was bad,” he said, holding her against his body. “Tess took out three. I got the last two. When she had to fight the one, I wanted to be sick.”

  “I’m okay. It’s not deep,” she said, pulling the shirt from her arm. “He nicked me. I don’t need stitches.”

  Yeah, Emma hated to break it to her, but she most certainly did.

  She hugged them both. “It’s okay now. They’re dead. You’re safe.”

  Paris tried to pull himself up, but he couldn’t do it. Greyson didn't hesitate. As soon as Tessa gave him room, he picked his agent up and carried him to the bedroom where the overturned wheelchair sat.

  “Grab a bag. We’ll call the police and get you two out of here. I’ll call my brother to get him to bring Steele to the house. He’s going to check you both out.”

  “I’m okay,” Tessa said, her eyes filling with tears. “I’m really okay.”

  They knew how scary this had to be for her. Not only was she trapped, but she wouldn’t leave Paris if her life depended on

  “She saved me. He was coming at me with that knife when the other guy knocked me out of the wheelchair. Tessie saved me.”

  He opened his arms and she moved into them.

  Together, they held onto each other.

  Captain Ford pulled out his phone. “We’re going to let the police run this one,” he said, and when Croft went to object, he pointed at the two people. “Your ME has a body in concrete, and he needs to check them out. Let Hanlon handle this mess. I’ll ride her ass so she has the report to you ASAP.”

  Greyson patted him on the back.

  “Thank you.”

  Dimitri came back in. “My place above you was compromised. They went in there, rappelled off the balcony, and came in through here. If I was home, they would have taken shots at me too.”

  “It looks like Marianna isn’t happy we’re investigating,” Emma stated. “We knew he was going to start, but I didn’t think he’d come here.”

  Yeah, none of them did.

  She really hoped this wasn’t their fault. The men must have known what she was thinking.

  “There’s no way he could have rounded up this many hit men that fast, Emma. This had to be in the works for a few days now. This isn’t our fault,” Dimitri stated.

  Greyson agreed. “It’s okay, honey. We’re going to strike back. Tomorrow night, I’m going to rip off his dick and shove it down his throat.”

  “Can I watch?” Tessa asked. “That asshole tried to kill my husband. That pisses me off.”

  He patted her on the top of the head. “I’ll let you help. Now, get some things ready. We’re heading out of there.”

  Just then, Emma’s phone rang. She found it odd that it was their house line, but she answered it anyway.

  There was yelling.


  General mayhem.

  Emma couldn’t understand it.

  Greyson grabbed it from her and held it to his ear. It was their housekeeper.

  “Slow down.”

  She said something to him that caused the immediate reaction.

  His body tensed.

  “We’re coming.”