Justice is Dead (Croft & Croft Romance Adventure Book 7) Read online

Page 14

  “Go ahead.”

  She’d made the wound, now she’d help him heal.

  “Don’t do it again. I’m not disposable, Emma. No matter what you think of me, I wouldn’t hurt you like that. I expect you to protect me the same.”

  She moved closer. “I was so very wrong. I hope you believe that I am remorseful.”

  “I wasn’t coming back here. I wasn’t going to let you back into my life.”

  “Why did you?”

  He pulled the note out of his pocket. “This.”

  She touched it. “I meant it all.”

  “If you throw me out of your life like that again, when you’re angry, the going gets tough, or for any other reason, I won’t be back. I have feelings too.”

  She was aware.

  Moving toward Chris, Emma hugged him. “I’m sorry I hurt you. I love you, Chris. I hope you still believe it. This isn’t about what I can get from you. If you think I apologized to get your help with Marianna, it’s not true. I’ll prove it. You can leave right now, and I’ll still welcome you here and love you. I wanted you back because I care about you.”

  He believed her.

  Emma was a straight shooter, and that’s why he felt a connection with her. He rested his chin on the top of her head as he held her.

  “I wouldn’t walk away from you. Greyson is my friend, and so are you. More importantly, you’re family. That matters. I’ll keep your secrets, protect you, and be here for you.”

  “I won’t ever abandon you again, Chris. I’m sorry. I’ll keep your secrets.”

  “I don’t have any.”

  “I saw you in your boxers. You like cartoon characters. That’s one hell of a secret.”

  He stared down at her. “You wouldn’t.”

  She grinned. “I wouldn’t what? Tell you that a man in Flintstone boxers is hot? It turned me right on.”

  He yanked her hair by the ponytail.


  “If that gets out, I’m telling your husband you were checking me out in my caveman britches.”

  She snorted.

  “Are we better?”

  Chris nodded.


  Emma took him by the hand and led him into the room where everyone was waiting.

  Once inside, he took a seat across from Dimitri. “Steele, I’m sorry for your loss,” he said, making eye contact with the man who once worked in their building. “If you need anything, even if it’s to talk, I’m here.”

  “Thank you, Captain.”

  “Chris,” he corrected. “We’re all family here and we are going to need to keep that in mind. What’s coming is going to be one hot freaking mess.”

  They all knew it.

  Emma was glad to have these people in her circle. “Chris, Dimitri and his sisters are no longer working for us. Instead, they’re moving in and becoming our family. Any issue?”

  “Watch sports?” he asked Dimitri.

  “When I have time.”

  “Like football?”

  “American or European?”

  “Is there more than one?”

  Dimitri laughed. “Technically? Yes, but I’ve been known to watch some sports when I’m checking out my businesses. I own a sports bar or two.”

  “Do you drink beer or that sissy stuff vodka?” he asked, continuing his quiz of the man.

  “I’m Russian, so of course I have to like vodka, right?” he asked.

  Chris grinned. “Yes.”

  “Okay, that generalization is right.”

  Emma was amused. She was glad they were all getting along.

  Since the men were done, it was time to get down to business.

  “Steele, what can you tell us about the day your father disappeared?” Emma asked. “I know this is hard, and it was a very long time ago, but think back.”

  Steele closed his eyes.

  Immediately, Dante placed his arm over his shoulder and pulled him into his body.

  There was so much love in his eyes for the man that everyone could see it. The Croft men loved with their whole hearts.

  This was true love.

  “I remember my mother and father fighting that day. I was getting ready for school, and I was sitting at the top of the stairs listening.”

  Chris began making notes.

  “What were they fighting about?” Emma asked.

  He shook his head, trying to shake free the cobwebs. “Money, I think. My mother was accustomed to the lifestyle my father afforded her, but she didn't like Dominic Marianna.”

  “Smart woman,” Emma said.

  “Continue,” Ford said as Greyson returned to the room.

  “I eventually came down and was promptly ignored. Our maid gave me breakfast, and the chauffeur drove me to school. That was the last time I saw my father. He didn't even look at me that morning.”

  Kat only wished she’d been that lucky. They did all they could to avoid their father. There weren’t maids or chauffeurs. There were their father’s fellow KGB officers, and they were all alike.

  Steele glanced up at Captain Ford. “My father didn't have much interaction with me on a daily basis. I didn't play sports, and when I did leave the house, he assumed it was to do my ‘faggity’ things. Those would be his words, not mine.”

  Dante brushed his lips across the man’s ear, whispering words of support. He didn't know what that kind of hate felt like. Since coming out, Greyson had pretty much built a protective wall around him, and his own father supported him.

  Reggie, their mother, well, she was a whole other story, but it had nothing to do with his sexual orientation. She was simply crazy.

  Someone generally had his back.

  For that, he was grateful.

  Steele had to fend for himself, and Dante would never let that happen again. He’d protect him.

  “We’re going to need to talk to your mother,” Greyson said.

  Steele began laughing.

  No one laughed along.

  “Oh, wait! You’re serious. Trust me. That’s going to get you nowhere. Camille lives in denial over everything. She’s not going to talk about my father’s ill-gotten gains. She’s not going to acknowledge my engagement, or a wedding.”

  Dante took his hand in his. Their platinum wedding bands were on their right hands, waiting for the day they moved them when they were hitched.

  “I’m going with you.”

  “Why the hell would you want to do that?” Steele asked. “I don’t want to even go, and they tell me I fell out of her uterus.”

  Dante stared into his fiancé’s eyes. “You met my mother, didn't you?”

  He laughed. “Yeah, that went so well. Sad to say, but that’s going to be a pleasure cruise, babe. This is more like the Titanic.”

  “We will all go with you, Steele,” Emma offered. “It’ll look like an introduction, but we’ll catch her off guard. The Crofts are a handful. Someone will trip her up.”

  “What if she doesn’t work out?” Dimitri asked. “I don’t know much about investigating, but shouldn’t you have a backup plan?”

  “What was the maid’s name?” Emma asked.


  “Can you find her?” Emma asked Dimitri.

  “If you have her last name I can.”

  Steele rattled it off.

  “Give us a few hours,” he said. “Between Kat and myself, we’ll find something.”

  Steele sat up. “Wait! There was someone else. My mother once mentioned to Lupe when she thought I wasn’t around that my father was screwing his secretary. She’d know more about his business than my mother. She was more interested in gin, her friends, and socializing.”

  Greyson pulled a tablet out of his briefcase. Once it was open, he logged into the IRS database, and then handed it to Dimitri.

  It was like giving a criminal the keys to the bank, but he had to trust the man.

  After all, he came back.

  “Search this for her name. Rutherford likely paid taxes and use
d her as a way to cut back on his income. When you find her, or the maid, call me.”

  “Here’s a little newsflash, but you aren’t going out without someone watching you,” Dimitri stated.

  Dante raised his hand. “Uh, soldier.”

  “Uh, not happening. We may not be your employees on paper, but we still have to ensure your safety.”

  Greyson went to protest, but he recalled just earlier thinking how shitty it was not to have them anymore. He wasn’t going to say no.

  “If you’re working here, send Natasha out with us. I’m sure she has some disguise.”

  Chris leaned forward. “Who the hell is Natasha?”

  “My other sister,” Dimitri admitted. “You missed her. She was here before. She’s on patrol of the grounds.”

  “Since when do you have two sisters?” he asked.

  “Since I was about ten.”

  “That’s not what I meant.”

  The man laughed. “I know. We’ll save that story for one night when the vodka is flowing.”

  Apparently, that was all Chris was going to get.

  Dimitri pulled out his phone and sent off a text. When she replied, he relaxed. “She’ll be watching you. You should take the limo.”

  Emma laughed at that even being a possibility.

  It wasn’t happening.

  “Uh, no freaking way. The second we roll out in that, we’re going to be a spectacle. I’m going to be working after the interview.”

  Chris started laughing. “You drive around in a tricked out Navigator. You think that’s not a spectacle? Go with safety. I’ll send Mace here to work with you when you return. He can help Boris and Natasha search.”

  Dimitri glanced over. “Who are these Boris and Natasha that you keep bringing up whenever I’m around?”

  Ford started laughing even more at his joke when the man didn’t get it. Apparently, Dimitri didn’t grow up watching kid’s cartoons as a child.

  Good to know.

  “We need to get him caught up on culture in this country.”

  “Somehow, Captain, I don’t think you’re the one to teach me culture.”

  They were at it again.

  Before Chris could say anything, Emma patted him in the leg. “It’s best to let this one go. Neither of you will win.”

  Chris agreed. “On that note, I’ll take my redneck self to work. Be safe, and I’ll check in later.”

  “Swing by for dinner tonight?”

  “Who’s cooking?” he asked. “Are you in the kitchen or Chef Frou Frou? You know how we uncultured types are. If it’s you, then I’ll be here. If that stuck up Frenchman is doing dinner, I pass. I don’t want cheese, fish, and snails.”

  “You don’t ever serve fish and cheese together,” Dimitri stated. “It’s a no-no.”

  “Sports bar, huh? Really? Are you qualified to own one?”

  Emma snorted. “I’ll cook. It’ll be an early birthday dinner. What do you want?”

  “Italian. If you ask, it’s always going to be Italian.”

  That was an easy one.


  Ford dropped a kiss to the top of her head, right before he fixed his tie. It was his signal that he was back in business mode.

  “Croft, get your ass to work,” he grumbled, right before winking at her on his way out the door.

  She grinned. “What? I love that man. I can’t help it. He makes me laugh.”

  “Hey!” her husband stated. “Really? Aren’t you handing out that word a little too easily? I had to work for it.”

  “Yeah, four days was rough,” Curtis stated, laughing at his family. “You had to wait an eternity to find her.”

  He had a very valid point.

  Greyson fell into good fortune when he met Emma.

  “Still. Love, Emma?”

  “What? Come on! He’s not the only one I love. I happen to love that man,” she said, pointing at Steele. “Oh, and that one,” she said pointing at Dante. “Don’t forget our son,” she added. “Hell! I even love that man,” she said, pointing at Dimitri.

  It made him uncomfortable, and Croft was amused. “Forget someone?”

  “I really love this man,” she said, tugging him down by his tie to kiss him. When she ravaged his mouth, there were giggles from Kat.

  Slowly, she broke away. “See the difference?” Emma asked, licking her lips.

  “Yes, yes, I do.”

  Dimitri got a text. “Natasha is in place. You’re good to go. Take the Limo or you’ll have to take two vehicles. We don’t have security for that. You’re not working in the field. No one will notice if you’re doing interviews.”

  “Yes, Dad.”

  Dimitri grinned. The aqua eyes twinkled but before he could make a comment, Greyson stopped him.

  “Don’t do it. If you make a comment about my age, she’s going to kick your ass.”

  “Duly noted.”

  Emma smiled sweetly. “I don’t mind taking the limo after all. I want everyone to be safe, but I do have to head into the morgue after the interview. I have a standby ME who is going to start looking at the second victim to get an ID. We’ll use the backdoor.”

  Dimitri slid the file toward Emma. “Go ahead.”

  Yeah, she’d forgotten about the list. “We have their names. As predicted, Hanlon is useless to me, the wicked old bat.”

  He stared at her. Greyson wasn’t sure which shocked him more. Emma having the names, or her calling someone names. That wasn’t the norm.

  It spoke volumes.

  “Well, that makes it easier. I’m glad we’re doing this as a team,” Greyson admitted. “You had more information than I did.”

  She winked at Dimitri. “Yeah, I did.”

  “If you don’t mind dropping me off at the FBI, I think I’d like to work today,” Steele offered. “After seeing my mother, I’m going to want to be around better company. A corpse should do it.”

  Dante opened and closed his mouth. “Okay.”

  Curtis grabbed the file. “While you four are playing upper echelon with Steele’s mother, I’ll work in the car on the next victim.”

  “We also have to start digging up the rest of the bodies,” Emma said.

  “We need to do it slowly,” Croft said. “The second the media sees us in the field together, we’re under scrutiny, and that will draw Dominic’s attention.”

  They agreed.

  Curtis reassured them. “We’ll be okay. I’ll start working the names to see what I can find. You four deal with Mommy Dearest, and we’ll go from there. This is my thing.”

  Croft patted him on the back. “I got you help. When we get to the office, there will be two other Feds ready to help out.”

  “Thanks! I won’t turn down help.”

  They got ready to head out.

  As Greyson loaded his sidearm, his wife did the same. Only, she wasn’t just carrying one. The woman had on a double holster, a back piece, and one on each ankle.

  “Um, overkill, kitten? Do you want a bazooka for your purse too?”

  She glanced over. “The last month has taught me one thing.”

  “And that is?”

  “Expect the worst, and if you make it home, you’re lucky.”

  He didn't like that at all.


  “Come on, Grey. Let’s go visit the in-law.”

  * * * Croft & Croft * * *

  Across Town

  Dominic Marianna was getting hourly updates on the Crofts. The second those bodies came out of the ground, he had no choice but to be concerned.

  An unwatched Croft was a dangerous Croft.

  As he sat there, waiting for the next text message, Kenneth James strolled in.

  “Are we getting lunch?” he asked.


  “Boss? Are you okay?” Kenneth asked. “You don’t look like you’ve slept at all.”

  “I haven’t. I’m worried about the Crofts. They’re holed up in that fortress of theirs. I need to know what�
��s going on behind those gates.”

  Kenneth wanted to laugh. There was no way they were getting in there without a bloodbath. The Russian bodyguard would kill anyone they sent.

  It was suicide.

  “I need in.”

  They’d already tried. The couple hired the staff from all over the world, and they didn’t give anyone any details. You couldn’t bribe people you didn’t have access to.


  “Find me someone. I want to get in there, and I want to get into Sky Villa.”

  “You could buy a condo there.”

  Yes, he could, but then that would tie him to it. When he made his move on the building, he didn't want any trace that he was behind it.

  “Bribe someone.”

  Okay, his boss was out of control. Kenneth knew the end was coming, and soon.

  “I’ll see what I can do, Dom. It’s not going to be easy, and it’s going to be pricy. I already contacted the brothers like you asked. They’re going to make their move.”

  “Have back up ready. If they fail, I want the next wave right after them. When I say I want to crush them, I mean it. I want everyone to bleed in the wake, and for it to be Greyson Croft’s fault.”

  He made notes. “I’ll need money.”

  Dominic threw the checkbook at him. “I don’t care what the cost. Make it happen. Take out whatever you need. That’s the petty cash. If you need more, I’ll give you the codes to my other accounts.”

  Kenneth headed out, already beginning to make the calls. Oh, he’d get Dominic what he wanted, and then he would make his own escape.

  Before the shit really hit the fan.

  * * * Croft & Croft * * *



  Once outside, Emma and Greyson knew how Natasha planned on tailing them. She was going to be driving them around.

  Well, who would suspect the suit-wearing woman to be their security?

  She had to be the best looking chauffeur around. With the long red hair pulled back, lots of smoky eye makeup, and blood red lips, she looked more like a model than a hired killer.

  Hey, whatever worked.

  At this point, it might work to their advantage.


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