Choices will Destroy (An FBI Romance Thriller Book 14) Page 14
“It’s okay, Ethan,” Gabe offered. “I’m not offended. You’re right. We’ve all bent the rules at one time or another.”
Elizabeth moved from her place at the island and toward him. When she got there, she wrapped her arms around his waist and held on to her husband.
“I love you, Cowboy.”
Callen did the same, pressing Elizabeth between them.
Chris, Livy, and Gabe took in the moment. It was touching and crystal clear that they did need each other.
This was how they refocused and found the center.
“We have this,” Elizabeth reassured, as both men gave her a kiss. They took a deep breath, and reclaimed their balance.
“Better?” Gabe asked as they broke apart.
“Yeah, I’m sorry for that,” Ethan stated.
Livy laughed and then fanned herself. It was enough to break the ice and lighten the mood.
“We should eat,” Callen said, noticing Elizabeth looked a little pale.
“You won’t hear me complain.”
Chris carried a large salad to the table as they grabbed the other food. As the table was being set, the ME updated Callen on everything they had found.
It was obvious that he was relieved to hear it was a copycat killer.
“I found something too,” Callen offered, as they began sharing a meal as a family.
“What?” Elizabeth asked.
“I think I know how they got Director Donnelly out of his house.”
They all glanced over.
“What? Did you think I was sitting in Gabe’s chair with my feet up the entire time?” Callen asked, teasing them. “I do know how to be her paperwork monkey. She’s trained me well.”
“I like lust monkey better,” she stated. “The perks with that outweigh the office work.”
Livy giggled until Gabe gave her the look. “Don’t encourage her.”
Callen found that amusing. “Well, for the record, I prefer it too.”
“Focus,” Ethan stated, getting his brother’s attention.
“You’re no fun.”
“Duly noted. Now, what did you find for us?”
Callen told them everything. He broke down the call and how the tech unit was tracing it. “As soon as it goes on, and a call is made, they’ll trace it. We’ll immediately be alerted.”
“Maybe it was some booty call,” Chris offered.
“I thought that too, but the number had never called him before. If you’re a booty call, what are the chances that it’s your first one, unless you’re the killer?”
Elizabeth thought about it as she chewed on some salad. “I think that’s a long shot. This man was chilly and cold. You could tell by just being in his space. He wasn’t going to be heading out at three in the morning for a hook up. If anything, he was efficient.”
“Would he have a lady there?” Chris asked.
That was one question they didn't have an answer to, and they wouldn’t unless they tested the man’s sheets.
It was quite possible that this might be a man and woman team doing the killing.
Immediately, they all thought about Bonnie.
“She isn’t back, is she?” Callen asked. “If she is, I get to make that shot. I owe her one.”
Ethan thought about it. “I don’t think so. She liked the game, but she liked the notoriety that went with it. When she called you and Elizabeth out, she signed her name.”
This has been the exact opposite.
“This killer is like the original. He’s watching and biding his time. Why?”
No one knew.
“That’s going to be the big clue. If we can figure that out, then we can start to anticipate the next step.”
They knew it wasn’t going to be easy.
“Well, we know how many there are going to be,” Livy stated. “At least there’s that.”
Callen glanced over. “What do you mean?”
Elizabeth told him all about it.
“Uh, do you realize that if you add up the people in this room, and the number of victims predicted, they’re the same number?” Callen asked.
She didn't until that point.
“I think the only person in this room who is safe is Callen. He wasn’t part of this. I profiled it, Donnelly picked the agents, Gabe was in charge of it, Chris was the ME, and you two ran the show. That’s six.”
Elizabeth tried to measure the real risk to the people she loved. “I need you to give me your gut on this one, Cowboy. Is everyone in this room in danger?”
Ethan put down his fork. “I can’t give you that. I suggest we watch our backs, and hope for the best. That’s all I have on this one.”
She didn't like that.
Gabe didn't like it.
Hell, no one did.
This was a mess.
Callen sipped his wine. “We should probably assume the worst, don’t you think?”
Ethan agreed. “I would. Until we see who the next victim is, we have no way of knowing.”
No one liked that they had to wait for another body, especially since the victim might be in that room.
“How secure is your house?” Ethan asked, glancing over at his brother. None of them were wearing their guns, but that would stop immediately.
In fact, they were sleeping with them too.
“I have four agents in strategic locations around the house. Tonight, when I give them notice, two more will be patrolling the inside while we sleep—one on this floor and one on the upper level. Plus, we have security cameras on at all times of the day.”
“Wait, did they pick anything up from the body dump earlier today?” Elizabeth asked.
Gabe shook his head. “No. It was just outside the perimeter of the range. The killer knew I’d have security and either got lucky or knew where the coverage stopped.”
“Again, he’s likely a watcher.”
For once, Elizabeth wanted some average, garden-variety crazy person. Killers were getting harder to stop.
When she yawned, everyone glanced over.
“Sorry, this baby is draining me like a hillbilly on a moonshine bender.”
Livy completely understood.
“Head on up,” Gabe offered. “We’ll clean up. You’re the pregnant one, and we need your mind tomorrow. You need to catch some z’s.”
“I feel so cheap and used. You only want me for my mind,” she said before winking at the men in her life.
Both her husbands were well aware of what she was thinking.
Gabe didn't miss the lecherous looks that were passed around. He just didn't plan on dwelling on it. There was no doubt in his mind what they were all planning for later. After all, he looked at his wife the exact same way.
“Sweet dreams,” Livy said, as Ethan swung his wife up and into his arms.
She dropped her head on his shoulder to enjoy the scent of his cologne. Behind them, Callen followed.
“You know they’re going to fornicate all over your guest bedroom,” Chris teased. “Break out the black light in the morning.”
Livy laughed.
Gabe groaned.
“Come on! She’s like my sister. I don’t want to go there. It’s wrong to picture her in any compromising position with a man, let alone two horny men. It gives me the willies.”
Livy laughed even more. “Help me clean up, and you can carry me to bed too.”
He rubbed his hands together.
Chris laughed at them all. “I’m wearing earplugs tonight. What I don’t hear won’t hurt me. You know the saying—when the director’s house is a rockin’, definitely don’t come a knockin’.”
Gabe wiggled his eyebrows lecherously. He didn't care what the man said. They were kid free for the first time in fifteen years.
This never happened.
He was an opportunist, and he was taking advantage of the moment.
His day was looking up. Tonight, he was going to have some fun with his wife.
She neede
d a distraction, and he was definitely the man for the job.
Upstairs, they got ready for bed. The men quickly stripped down to their boxers and climbed onto the queen size bed. In the adjoining bathroom, they could hear their woman brushing her teeth.
They couldn’t wait to get her into bed. Part of it was because they wanted to feel her petal soft skin beneath their fingers, but also it was to distract her.
They could tell that Elizabeth was off her game. She was so focused on the case, that they knew it would consume her. By molesting their wife, they’d get her to take a break from the oncoming horrors.
She needed it.
She deserved it.
After all, she was growing a child.
When the bathroom door opened, she stepped out. Her hair was down, her face was bare, and she was wearing one of Callen’s t-shirts. It hung low on her, covering the baby bump.
“I get to go first,” Callen stated triumphantly.
Ethan laughed.
The men had implemented a new game in their bedroom. Since they did the threesome thing more often than not, they had to find a way to be fair. Each night, they’d leave their shirts in the bathroom, knowing that Elizabeth liked to sleep in them. Whoever’s shirt she wore to bed, well, they were picked to initiate the fun. Last time, Ethan had won.
It was their version of lady’s choice—Native style.
Elizabeth crawled onto the bed, only to be pressed between them. This was the best place to be. The three of them coming together never got old. In fact, it only got better with time. The men in her life knew her body better than anyone did, and she was grateful.
She loved getting off with them, almost as much as she loved getting them off.
Their connection was only getting stronger, and when they could take that time to be one, it reinforced their relationship.
They were indestructible.
“Lyzee, angel, you smell delicious,” whispered Callen, as his mouth moved over her throat and to her lips.
“I love the way she smells,” Ethan admitted. “I could get lost in this scent all day long. The second I smell it, I get hard.”
She shivered at what he said. Ethan was a man of few spoken words. When he used them during sex, they were impactful.
“I’m glad I can turn you two wild Natives on,” she whispered, knowing she needed to keep her voice down. They were guests in Gabe’s house, and they were going to be respectful—as they had some raunchy sex.
It nearly made her laugh.
“I always worry when I’m pregnant that you’ll not find me sexy,” Elizabeth admitted.
They laughed.
“Oh, there’s no need to worry,” Callen reassured. They’d never stray. The Blackhawk boys were all about her.
Elizabeth was their center.
They wouldn’t go elsewhere.
In fact, their union was sacred. They may joke about the sex, but they weren’t crazy enough to share her with the world. What happened behind closed doors was private.
It was theirs.
She moaned as Ethan’s hand snaked up her thigh and beneath the shirt.
“Someone knew she was getting lucky,” Ethan said as he trailed his long fingers through the wetness pooling between her legs. “Someone is missing her britches,” he drawled.
It made her laugh—until Callen moved closer to her mouth.
They both loved when their touch set her off. There was nothing better in the world.
Callen swallowed her moans of pleasure as his brother drove her closer and closer to the edge. As their mouths met, mated, and created heat, she shook beneath them.
When Ethan roughly rubbed his fingers over her, she shattered apart. Both men reacted to her breathy little gasp of release.
“I need more,” Ethan whispered, running his lips up her one thigh. Pushing Callen’s shirt out of the way, he found what he really wanted.
Diving in, another gasp of pleasure was forced from her lips, only this time louder as her entire body bowed from the assault.
Callen needed her mouth on him desperately. Pushing the boxers down his legs, he stood at attention, waiting for her to drive him wild.
Elizabeth eagerly took him in her mouth.
As he began moving, swallowing him tip to base, all three of them were feeling the heat. Ethan devoured the love of his life, as Callen was swallowed by his.
They moved in tandem.
This was the mating dance they had done so many times before that it never got old.
As Elizabeth was driven to the edge, she couldn’t hold on any longer. As she came hard, her teeth scraped across Callen’s erection.
The kiss of pain brought him so much pleasure. It was hard to keep from exploding in her mouth. Yet somehow, he managed to find that one thread and hold on.
As their woman fell, both men switched positions.
Ethan freed himself from his clothes, only to have Callen begin devouring Elizabeth with such need. Her moans filled the room as he attacked before she was even ready.
Callen liked that pain, and he knew his woman did too. Now that she was further along, they tried to be gentler when it came to sex, but tonight they couldn’t help themselves.
Elizabeth wove a web of sexiness, and they were caught in it. She was the spider and they were the flies.
As Callen ground his mouth down against the most sensitive part of her body, Ethan couldn’t wait any longer. He needed his wife.
He wanted her in the worst way.
“Take all of me,” he ordered, burying his hands in her wild hair. Using as much control as he could muster, he began working her mouth up and down his erection.
When she’d look up at him with innocent blue eyes, he had to close his. If he didn't, it was over.
She knew how to undo him easily.
“Lyzee,” he whispered. “I need you!”
She gave him everything he craved and so much more. As Callen devoured her, she in turn shared the same thing with Ethan. As the three of them offered each other so much pleasure, the heat in the room rose.
When Callen hit that one spot, she gasped in ecstasy.
“Give me everything,” ordered Ethan. He wanted desperately to see the two people he loved more than life falling into the pleasure with him.
As he got close, he pulled away from her lips.
Elizabeth moaned as Callen slid up her body. He needed her, and he was seeking that delicious warmth that called to both men.
As he held his body over hers, Elizabeth wrapped her legs around his hips.
“Take me, Callen,” she begged, her voice breathy and barely above a whisper.
At that moment, he wanted that more than breathing.
As he found the warm wetness, he slid deep within her body. She tightened down on him, a ripple of heat and pleasure crisscrossing through their bodies at the union.
This was his heaven.
If he were to die now, he’d go willingly. This was exactly how he wanted to spend his last moments alive.
With them.
As he began moving, Ethan slid down her body to frame her side. He pulled her mouth to his as Callen began sliding in and out of her.
He knew she could get vocal, and he was going to swallow her screams of pleasure.
As Callen drove himself in and out of the heat, desperately trying to fill his hunger, Elizabeth found herself lost in the dual assault of pleasure. His hair cascaded across both of their bodies, drawing goosebumps in its wake.
Nothing felt as good as this.
Anyone who scoffed at this kind of lovemaking was crazy. Two men meant twice the pleasure.
And love.
As she began breaking apart, Callen didn't give up. He needed this. After what they faced, he wanted to know that there were constants in his life, and this was it.
They were it.
As he fucked her senseless, Ethan refused to free her mouth. He swallowed it all, knowing Callen would do t
he same for him.
As she crested with the orgasm, Callen couldn’t hold out any more. He let himself fall, enjoying the pleasure as it erupted from his body.
The room spun.
The colors exploded.
He didn't collapse onto her, but her baby bump was against his abs. He could feel his child moving, and it made him smile.
“I need you, Elizabeth,” Ethan whispered, his body hard with lust.
Rolling off their woman, Callen switched positions and stole her mouth to continue the kiss.
The bed moved.
His hands found her hair.
Elizabeth’s body bowed.
Ethan moaned in pleasure at the wet, warm slide into his wife.
He didn't hesitate to begin moving. Their bodies met and slid apart in a familiar dance.
This was mating.
This was love.
All three hearts were bound as one as their woman held them together with all the love she had for them.
Ethan couldn’t breathe.
The pleasure was assaulting his mind, body, and soul. When she exploded apart again, shouting her release into his brother’s kiss, Ethan knew he was next.
With two more strokes, he kissed so deeply into her that it set off the explosion.
Her body milked his as he poured into her in a wave of heat and pleasure.
“Jesus,” he muttered, as he stared down and into her beautiful face. “That never gets old.”
Callen laughed as he nuzzled her cheek with his chin. “I can’t believe we managed to keep her quiet.”
Elizabeth snorted. “Yee haw, Cowboy and Indian. I’m beat. You two won this round, but I’ll make my triumphant return another time.”
The men didn't doubt that.
Gently, they moved off her body, and then slid their pregnant woman into her normal position. Flanking her, they each got comfortable. Each one covered one of her legs with theirs as their big hands rested on the bump between them.
As she fell asleep, the men stared at each other.
“He’s stirred up,” Ethan whispered, as the baby felt like he was doing laps in her belly. “I don’t know how she can sleep through that. It has to feel like going a few rounds with Tyson.”
Callen studied her moving belly.
“Do you think he’s okay? Maybe we should cut back on the intercourse,” Callen offered. He was still a worrier when it came to sex while she was pregnant. Logically, he knew he couldn’t hurt the baby, but he had horrible luck. Desdemona’s death was always front and center, as a little part of him blamed his jacked up DNA for her demise.