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Choices will Destroy (An FBI Romance Thriller Book 14) Page 13
Choices will Destroy (An FBI Romance Thriller Book 14) Read online
Page 13
No one missed the animosity.
“It’s too bad you let him get away all those years ago. Then maybe we wouldn’t be revisiting this.”
She went to comment, but her ME beat her to it.
Chris glanced over. “It’s too bad you still haven’t learned that your shitty attitude isn’t acceptable in my presence. You can go, Carol. I’m sure your boss has something better suited for you. I don’t want you in my morgue.”
The woman turned on her heel, and Elizabeth gave him a fist bump. “Felt good, right?”
He grinned. “Yes, yes it did. I’m not the only one she hated. Carol liked to torment Tony too. That was for both of us.”
She was glad the tides had turned.
The machine closest to Merry began beeping. “We have a report on trace.”
“What was it?”
“It was blood.”
“Whose?” Elizabeth asked.
“I don’t have that yet, but it looks like it was smeared there, and then wiped away.”
That was curious. “So, someone knew that the blood stain would come up under a black light. It looks like someone was ready for us. That’s interesting.”
It was.
This was a good lead.
“Okay, so we know we have a copycat,” Livy stated, “and we know that the person knows a little about forensics—well enough to screw with us.”
“Yeah, they could have picked that all up on TV for all we know. As for them being a copycat, he’s a piss poor one. Since this killer doesn’t know the exact details, they seem to be making shit up as they go,” Elizabeth stated.
“They know enough,” Ethan added. “The coin and the way the body was taken apart—it proves that someone had inside information on the case.”
Chris pulled off his gloves. When he glanced over at Merry, he could hear the music even with the earbuds in.
It was safe to talk.
“I destroyed it all. The only copy was mine, and it’s been in a safety deposit box for fifteen years. There’s no way they got to that, and I wouldn’t spill this to anyone. Ever.”
“And no one was told?” Gabe asked, trying to confirm that Chris wouldn’t leak it.
“I knew what would happen if this got out, and I’d never risk Elizabeth. NEVER.”
They believed him.
“Maybe it was someone who worked this case?” Gabe asked. “Or better yet, didn't Seamus have a family?”
Chris nodded. “He had a brother and sister. We covered the cremation expenses for them, so they wouldn’t take it to the media and make a big deal. It was all about keeping it low key.”
Elizabeth knew what that meant. She was going to have to dig into their lives too. “It looks like we’re going to be heading there next.”
Ethan put his foot down before she could even lay out her plan. “It’s not happening. Today, you ate a bagel and a candy bar. It’s already afternoon, and you need to fuel up on something healthy. There is no way you’re going to make it if you don’t eat. You’re almost eight months pregnant, Lyzee. You can’t run on fumes—not this far into the pregnancy.”
She knew he was right.
“That’s irritating.”
“What is? Me loving you enough to take care of you or you knowing that I’m absolutely right and called you on it?”
“The latter.”
He laughed. “Good. Besides, Callen won’t let you play too late. He’s like a watchdog over that baby, and at six at night, you are put under lock and key.”
She was well aware.
The men were super overprotective when it came to this baby, just like they had been with Charlie.
“We can head back to my place,” Gabe suggested. “We’ll have dinner and crash for the night.”
“We can stay at a hotel,” Ethan offered.
“No way! You’re family, and you’re staying with us.”
Elizabeth laid down the law. “If we’re staying, so is Chris. He’s my family.”
Gabe laughed. “You think I don’t know that? Before the cowboy rolled into your life, he was your sidekick. We have room for everyone. He’s going to have to bunk in a teenager’s room, and so will Meredith, but I want you all at my place. The more there, the safer we’ll all be.”
Ethan liked that part best.
“We have a guest room for you, Callen, and Ethan. Although, you three in a twin bed does amuse me.”
“Gabriel,” Livy warned.
“Well, when we have sex, we take up very little space. We’ve done it on a twin bed before.”
“Come on!” Gabe stated.
“That’s for being a dick and teasing me,” Elizabeth stated. “You’ll think twice now. You never know what I’m going to say next.”
“He may torture you,” Livy stated, “but I wouldn’t.”
He laughed. “It looks like the real boss has spoken.”
Livy kissed her husband on the cheek. “Yes, she has. Let’s go have dinner.”
Chris motioned to Merry, getting her attention. When she pulled out her ear buds, he spoke, “We’re staying at the director’s house. Are you coming?”
She laughed. “I have about four thousand pieces of trace. I’ll try and head there later, but I’m going to likely be crashing here.”
Gabe tossed her his office key. “I have a couch in my office. You can pull it out and use it if you want—unless you plan on sleeping in here, which would make you crazy.”
She laughed. “Thank you, Director.”
With that, they headed out.
“By the way,” Elizabeth said, as they rode the elevator up to the main floor to get Callen, “Who’s cooking?”
Livy pointed at Ethan. “He makes amazing sauce. Ethan’s on duty.”
He didn't mind.
“The men will handle it,” he stated.
“Can my profiler also whip out something to point us in the right direction?” she asked.
“Maybe. It’ll depend on what Callen found. I may need one more day to have a good grasp on it. We’ve learned quite a bit about our sicko today.”
She was good with that.
You couldn’t rush perfection.
Ethan had his processes, and she had hers. Elizabeth respected that.
Still, there was that one grim fact looming above them.
Tomorrow, they’d likely have another victim.
Unfortunately, with this killer, that was pretty much a given.
* * * B l a c k h a w k - W h i t e f o x * * *
Gabe and Livy’s
When they returned to Gabe and Livy’s home, they found their rooms and got changed.
Chris needed a shower, since he’d been playing in the dead all afternoon. Even in protective gear, he still wanted to make sure he washed up.
Some people were freaked out about things like that, and he didn't want to offend his hosts. As he was in the shower, his cell phone rang. It was his wife and daughter.
Immediately, he turned off the water and took the call. He missed them more than anything, and he couldn’t wait to see his daughter’s face.
She was his universe.
Bethe was definitely a daddy’s girl.
“How are my ladies?” he asked, as their faces popped onto the screen.
“We’re missing our handsome daddy, aren’t we?” Cyra crooned. “When are you coming home so we can get some cuddle time with you?”
He wanted to be at home, but he had obligations. He was the ME, and sometimes, work had to come first. There would be plenty of time for being with his family later.
Besides, this case mattered.
“When I’m done here, I’ll be on the first jet home to my girls.”
“Tonight by any chance?” Cyra asked, pushing her blonde hair from her eyes.
“Not likely for a couple days,” he admitted.
Cyra sighed. “Christopher.”
He could have told her what was going on, but he had loyalties to Elizabeth too. While he loved his wife, he loved his o
ther family equally. It was a precarious place to be.
“If I could be home, sweetheart, I would be. I hope you know that.”
From the look on her face, it was apparent that wasn’t the case at all.
“I thought you were cutting back on your field time and Doctor Legend was going to be pulling some of his weight,” she said, as Bethe tried to eat her mother’s phone.
“This case was a special circumstance, Cyra. I had to handle this one.”
“I see. It was more important than our alone time and our nights away?”
Chris knew this was a minefield.
There was no right answer for his wife.
So, he went with saving his ass.
“Absolutely not, Cyra . You know that you and Bethe come first in my life. I wouldn’t be here if this wasn’t my mess. Fifteen years ago, I was the original ME on this case, and the killer is back. The FBI lost the files, and I did the autopsies. I have to work this one. There is no way I can get Zane up to speed on this case.”
“Okay, Christopher. I understand.”
They both knew she didn't.
Even though Cyra, at one time, had been a cop and Fed, she still didn't like the answer. It was clearly written on her face.
Chris was in a difficult situation on this one. He tried to make her happy as much as possible, but this was out of his hands. Cyra and Bethe were blessed with his family money, and the luxuries that went along with it. Chris had hoped that being a doctor would ease the stress on his wife. She didn't have to work.
She could just be a mom.
Only, it wasn’t working in their favor. It was clear, by their numerous conversations, that she wanted him to quit his job, but he couldn’t.
It was part of him.
This was his mission in life and the fabric of his being.
“I’ll be home as soon as I can. I swear.”
“Okay. I just don’t understand, Christopher. Maybe they don’t miss their kids, but you do.”
Chris knew who the ‘they’ were.
Cyra never understood Elizabeth’s choices, even now. While she didn't judge, she simply didn't get it, and it was a bone of contention between them. Chris hated having to defend his family to her.
Unlike Cyra, Chris didn't have siblings. He didn't have a father and stepmother who loved him and always popped in to say ‘hi’. He only had Morganna, and she was more trouble than anything. Chris was more her babysitter. The Blackhawks, specifically Elizabeth, had filled the void in his life.
Chris hated that his wife didn't see that.
He didn't want there to be waves, so he lied. “This isn’t about them. This, like I told you earlier, is about Gabriel Rothschild, Cyra. He’s the head of the FBI. If I want my job at all, I can’t blow him off. I’m sure everyone would rather be home with their families.”
“You could tell him to pound sand. We don’t need the money. This job isn’t vital to our survival.”
How wrong she was. To Chris, it was his foundation in life. While he got her frustration, it was like a merry-go-round. It kept going in circles.
“Cyra, sweetheart…”
“I’m sorry. I just miss you. I hate being here alone, and Bethe is missing out on her daddy.”
“I know. I miss you too. Now, give me a kiss, read my little girl a story, and I’ll be home as soon as I can, Cyra. I swear.”
She blew him a kiss and the call went dead. Chris was a smart man, and he knew that something had to give. It was either going to be his marriage or his career.
He recognized the warning signs.
When he got home, they were going to have to talk. While Chris loved his wife, he couldn’t be anyone else other than the man he was.
He was an ME.
He was a Fed.
When she met him, she knew this was his path in life. Chris had lived a tough life, and she’d been well aware of it. He didn't have the ability to choose between one or the other.
It wasn’t possible.
Now he could only hope he could make it work. He loved Cyra more than anything—even his own life.
He only hoped she felt the same and would compromise.
* * * B l a c k h a w k - W h i t e f o x * * *
In the kitchen, Gabe, Ethan, and Callen stood behind the massive island, working on dinner. While Gabe worked on making the pasta, Ethan was stirring the sauce.
Callen had the arduous task of cutting up the onions and garlic. He knew his brother threw that task at him so their boss could see him using his right hand.
This was about getting him his badge back on a long-term basis, and he was willing to play along.
He wanted it that damn bad.
“How’s the new house?” Livy asked, as Christopher walked in fresh from his shower.
Elizabeth was about to answer when she noticed her friend didn't look well at all. She lowered her voice. “Is everything okay, Chris?”
“Yeah, it’s all good.”
She didn't believe him and could hear the lie, but she’d deal with that in private.
“We love the new house,” she admitted, focusing on Livy. “We were lucky to find it. Chris told us about a house not far from him on the cul-de-sac.”
“That sounds great. I’m glad you two can be close to each other. I know how much you love being friends.”
Elizabeth heard it in Livy’s voice.
“I wish you lived closer too,” she admitted. “We could raise some major hell then, right, Chris?”
He simply nodded.
Gabe laughed. “Yeah, that’s what the world needs.”
“Anyway,” Livy said, “are you moved in?”
“Yes, we are.”
“How’s Wyler?” Livy asked.
“He’s okay, but I really feel bad for him. He’s carrying the brunt of this. The poor man has kids all day, and he packed the house and helped move it.”
“Don’t stress it, angel. Trust me. He loves it,” Callen stated, trying not to lose a finger as he cut an onion. “It makes him feel young again. I’ve never seen him happier.”
“Callen’s right,” Ethan admitted. “Dad is in his glory. He’s got his own summer camp year round.”
Chris placed his hand over hers on the counter. “I’m glad you’re right there. I like having you as my neighbors. Bethe can use some friends to play with once she’s a little older,” Chris stated.
“You mean get arrested with,” she teased. “Blackhawks are bad influences, so don’t tell me I didn't warn you.”
Both brothers grinned.
Chris laughed. “Yeah, that’s hype, and we all know it. You three are pretty awesome. Then again, a few of the neighbors are a little freaked out.”
That had her attention. “Why?” she asked.
“Someone saw you making out with two men, and word has travelled. Cyra heard about it as she had Bethe at the park.”
She snorted. “Well hell! It’s on the damn news. If BNN finds out where we live, we’re screwed.”
They all agreed with that.
So far, they were careful when moving. They hired a moving company to do the move, so no one would recognize them during the process. Their things had been moved to a storage facility, unloaded, and then secretly loaded up again. They were then delivered in an unmarked truck.
It was very spy-like.
J. Edgar Hoover, himself, would be proud.
“Well, I’m glad you’re my neighbors. The more guns the better. With the first robbery, the criminals will be scared to death,” Chris teased.
“There’s a motto for our next totem pole,” Ethan teased, “since we are NOT putting our names on it.”
“Har-har. You’re funny.”
Livy loved having them around. “You three are funny. I’m really glad you’re here.”
“Me too,” Gabe said. “I haven’t heard our house this quiet in…ever.”
She laughed and saluted her husband with the wine. “Amen. We just found our silver lining to this mess.”
r /> Callen put down the knife and began massaging his hand. No one missed it.
“Are you okay?” Chris offered, moving toward him.
“Damn hand, that’s all.”
“Let me see it.”
Callen held out his hand for the doctor to look at it. “Well?” he asked.
“Squeeze my fingers.”
Callen did.
“You couldn’t do that a month ago. You’re on your way back.”
Gabe was glad to hear it. “I don’t want to have to bench you.”
Ethan interjected first. “He’s not being benched. Callen isn’t losing his job. If he can’t be a Fed, none of us can.”
Elizabeth didn't disagree.
“What?” Gabe said. “Is that some threat?”
“No, it’s just how it has to be. If we lose him, we can’t do our jobs.”
“So, you three are going to retire?” Gabe asked, lifting a brow.
“Let’s put it all out on the table, shall we?” Ethan began. “The FBI is tough, but there are loopholes. I fully expect to find one, utilize it, and help him keep his job.”
“Ethan,” Callen began.
“No, Cal, don’t. You were shot in the line of duty. You aren’t going to be retired as if you don’t matter. You served your country, and we’re going to make sure the Federal government serves you.”
Elizabeth knew how tense this situation was. Ethan felt horrible. The only reason Callen was shot was because he took one for the team and went with Dakota Rakin. Had it not been for his temper, Ethan would have been shot instead.
He carried it daily.
“I’m not disagreeing with you, Ethan, but the heat is on you three right now. Your faces are all over the news. That weasel reporter made sure that you’re now a household name.”
“Fuck him,” Ethan said. “Callen will be back even if I have to bend every rule on the planet to do it. We’ve all twisted them to our needs. Look at this mess.”
They all got quiet.
No one moved.
“I’m sorry. I didn't mean to make it sound like that,” Ethan said, closing his eyes. Immediately, he felt even worse.